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Showing posts from December, 2011

Featured Blog-Happy Bow lucky

Hellooooo, blog friends! :) So nice to meet all of you.   I'm Chelsea and I blog over at ! Please come check it out sometime. I promise to make you feel REAL welcome. Anywhoo. Back to the good stuff. I'm 19 years old. I love Jesus with ALL of my being. I'm ALMOST engaged to this guy pictured below! :) (I know, I know. Gorgeous. And hilarious, too.) I have the best family ever. I have a heart for missions. And I'm currently going to school online to be a teacher. But I don't want to be a teacher anymore. :) (Wanna know why?) Come on over!! Ha. ._. (That's an evil smiley face. ^^^ In case you were wondering.) Hmā€¦. What else? OH! I just recently started blogging. So if you come SOONā€¦ you will have hardly missed a THING! And I promise it only gets more interesting. I mean, what is more interesting than me being a 2-headed monster? NOTHING. That's what. (I'm the one on the right.....) I have such good stories to tel...

Soul Singing Liv

Sponsor LOVE --we asked these fun questions for you--   What do you do to pamper yourself on the days you have off? I make myself the biggest cup of tea possible, cuddle up on our big couch, and catch up on my DVR. After filling my brain with such thought provoking shows such as Project Runway and The Vampire Diaries, I take a long bath and read a few pages of whatever book I'm reading at the time. Is there anything better than taking a bath in the middle of the day? I think not. This is all happening while simultaneously running after my children, of course, so it's in small doses. But I try to get a dose, nonetheless. When I was a kid, I remember being surrounded by cousins and playing for hours in the woods behind our house. We used to build the most elaborate forts and go fishing in the creek on our property. We played until our mamas called us in for supper, our imaginations running wild, our lungs full of fresh air, our laughter filling the trees. ...

Picture Perfect: Anything Goes

Happy Thursday to everyone. Did you survive the holiday weekend? Did you take a lot of pictures? Good! Because you can put them to use on our We Love Photography Group.  Week#8 Photo challenge has just started, so hop on over and join in. I was extremely pleased with the number of photos uploaded during this past week's challenge. Even in the busy holiday rush, you lovely people took time to enjoy the photography challenge. And for that, I thank you kindly! Look at this lovely photo This is from Becky. Is there anything more precious than this? There were so many other fabulous photos.A vintage style Christmas picture from Kim, Larissa's wet toes, Sarah's B&W picture of a deer in her yard, Kate's photo of rain on a window, cranberries, old bridges, and so many more. Please go view these and drop a kind note of encouragement to these lovely ladies. Great job everyone! I hope you all enjoy a fantastic day.

Sponsor us in January!

Ready to drive some new year traffic to your blog? ONLY 5 spots available! Are you interested yet ? Please read the sponsor details carefully 1. Two for the price of one:For sponsoring FTLOB you will also get a FREE AD SPACE of 200x200 on my blog. 2. Your ads will be placed under the Things we do gadget on the FTLOB site and along with my other sponsors in the sidebar. 3.The ads will be rotated throughout the month for you to get maximum exposure. 4.The lovely sponsors would be featured in a group introduction along with a few cool questions I have for them both here and my site. 5. For $2 more you have the option to be a part of a Group Giveaway. Book your January adspace now and be a part of our Fabulous community!Email me at: 5 Spots ONLY.

Tasty Tuesday

Do you need one more indulgence before the New Year begins? One more not so healthy treat before your New Years resolution to lose weight? I found just the treat for you! Click on the pic to get the yummy recipe! Do you have a food tradition for New Years, something that you make or eat every year for New Year's Eve or Day?  We' love for you to share that with us!  It's always fun to see what others' do and how they celebrate.  Link up your yummy recipes, and be sure to fine others'. <center><a href=""><img border="0" src="" /></a></center> Happy Celebrating!

Tutorial: Who doesn't love pretty fonts?

Hello lovelies! Let's learn something new shall we? In the following post we'll learn how to add Custom Fonts to your Post title, post body and sidebar title. Earlier it was a bit of a hassle to add Custom fonts to blogger blogs. The font had to be downloaded, then hosted somewhere and then embedded in your layout. But now,thanks to Blogger's template editor it's so much easier![ Template Editor > Advanced > Choose your fonts! ] Another way to add cool fonts is the Google Font API. Consider the Font APIs building blocks for you to make a pretty blog. Firstly,remember this before making any changes to your template code,back up your template by logging into your Dashboard > Design > Edit Html > Download full Template.Save it in a location you would remember to upload it again if you mess up the template. No need to be scared!Just follow the instructions and you would be okay. Next, choose a font you like from   Google Font API . There's a ...


Good day beautiful peeps!  It's a new week, and for most of us the holidays are over. Phew!  With a new day comes all the beautiful things we have to embrace!  All of things that are beautiful to each and everyone of us!  I hope that you have something amazing that you would like to share.  Link up your inspirational post with something you're embracing! We have many new and exciting things coming your way in the new year, so be sure to browse around and find all the wonderful things this blog has to offer, like our  Community Chat  and our  Giveaways .  Don't miss out by linking and running!  We'd love for you to stay for a while! <center><a href=""><img border="0" src="" /...

Featured Blog: Lil Mys Ninja

Hi there all you bloggers and bloggettes! My name is Maria and I blog over at Lil Mys Ninja: A Day In The Life Of Maria... Who am I you ask? In short (no pun intended!), I'm a short Filipina-American woman that loves to dance and rides a motorcycle. I'm a passionate woman who wears my heart on my sleeve, a pet owner, a daughter, a sister, a friend, a biker, a runner, a poet, a volunteer, and a Cradle Catholic returned home. I love music, dancing, the mountains, hiking, white-water rafting, tattoos, reading, books, coffee, animals (especially tigers), and running. When I first started out blogging I couldn't figure out how I was going to do it. I thought that I needed to have a theme so what better subject to blog about than motorcycles, considering I'm a female biker? One of my fav photos!'s contagious! Well, that didn't last long. Not only did I blog about my experience of owning and riding a bike, but I found myself wanting to blog a...

Alisha and Brandon

Hi there readers/party people/people stalkers!  {let's be real, we all know we stalk people via the internet} No need to be ashamed.  My name is Alisha, and I blog over at   Alisha and Brandon   where I share bits of my life from my home, my photography,  to my faith and my passions, and sometimes I talk about my husband too. ;) A little more you ask?  Hmm, well, I like coffee.  Wait, let me rephraseā€¦  I'm addicted to coffee. I love anything and everything to do with photography.  I take my DSLR with me every where I go.  I don't consider myself a photographer. Yet.  But, I do love capturing a moment in time that you can look back on for years to come.   My handsome husband.   Oh, and I like food.  A LOT.  Coffee and food together - the perfect combination.     Yes, that is all for me.     Delicious cake balls! Recipe  HERE .  Still reading? Hmmā€¦...

Twitter Party Thursday

I thought I would throw out a Twitter Party today for all you tweeps!  Link up your twitter accounts and get to hoppin!  There are 2 days left to win this beautiful Gumball machine, don't miss out on it, or   this one  or  this one .     We hope you are loving our giveaways!   Happy Tweeting and Winning!

Wonder Filled World

Hi y'all! I'm Bri (pronounced like the cheese), and I'm relatively new to the blogging world! I graduated from UNC-Charlotte last December and after I entered the "real world" I quickly realized that there was no "how-to" book for life. Figuring it out has been quite an adventure. I've experienced so much this first year out of school and I started this blog to share those experiences with other young women like myself. My blog is about my fast paced life, I work for NASCAR and I'm on-the-go A LOT! I grew up with three brothers and always knew I wanted to work in sports, so I truly feel like I'm living my dream.  My background is super complex but I love to think all the different pieces make me who I am. I'm a Texas gal, but I spent my younger years living in Mexico City and like to think of myself as a proud Latina! My heart is definitely in the Carolinas and I'm dying to live in Charlotte again some day soon. I've named my ...

Picture Perfect: Red

Hello there! How is everyone doing this fine day? Ready for the holiday weekend? It's going to be the perfect opportunity to get out that camera and snap some memories. Over on FTLOB community we held our weekly photo challenge and the topic this week was RED . The interpretations that came from this were fascinating. So many smart creative people here! We chose Hi_D's (Random Hi_D) photo for this week. Isn't it awesome? Great work Heide! And once again, thanks to those of you who participated. You are the cream in our coffee...the Ying to our Yang...the, oh never mind. What we are trying to say is we can't have a successful photo challenge without you. So thank you!  Check out the next challenge over on the We Love Photography Group and upload a photo for us all to see. I always look forward to seeing every one's creativity shine. If you don't plan on showing one of your own images, be sure to drop a comment on the other photos there. Tell us what you thi...

Sponsor Love: We Took the Road Less Traveled

Blog || Twitter we asked some fun questions Question 1-What do you do to pamper yourself on the days you have off? On my days off I like to veg out, enjoy a glass of wine, and catch up on all my shows stored up in the DVR! I currently have an unhealthy obsession with The Vampire Diaries and Modern Family re-runs. I also love to travel when I get a free weekend with the hubby! Living in Germany is perfect for sight-seeing day trips! Question 2-When I was a kid, I remember Grabbing my little sister, popping on the rollerblades, and heading down to our basement to "ice skate"! We had a concrete floor in our basement growing up and my sister and I would spend HOURS down there pretending we were figure skaters (in the Olympics, of course) just skating around and making up routines to Mariah Carey songs. We were totally awesome at it. Do you think I can skate these days? Not a chance. I've since traded my gold medal dreams for two left feet and a cracked tail bone. Story of...

Tasty Tuesday- Holiday Edition

Are you all ready for your holiday dinner this weekend?  I know my mouth is watering just thinking about it.  Some of us have already celebrated, but it's never too late to grab some more recipes for next year!  Have you found the perfect roll recipe?  Check these out, they are just beautiful! Click on the photo for this recipe! Today's Co-Host is Kami from Searching for Serendipity! Go say Hello and meet a new friend. Search for some yum while you're at it, like this easy apple crumble  and look what she's having for breakfast ! Don't forget to enter some really cool giveaways here like the Gumball Machine with 4 lbs of Gum and the beauty package giveaway valued at over $100. Oh and of course the Urban Wall Print or Decal. Awesome stuff guys! check it out! Have a great day! <center><a href=""><img border="0" src="" />...