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New Blogger, Veteran, Semi- we're all here for the same reasons....we love blogging! We're passionate about sharing each and every blog because we know how amazing it feels to be noticed. Jump in and get started:

Become a member by following our site.

-Grab One of Our Member Buttons {If These Don't Suit Your Style/Site, We can Make You Another}





Join Our Google + Community

for tutorials GO HERE

-Get Featured. Take a moment to tell us all about you. We dedicate a full post to you and ask that you make it exciting. Talk to your readers. Don't just link us to a bunch of your posts. If you need help, we will assist you.

-Read Our Blogging Tips and Sign the Pledge

-If you need anything- Don't hesitate to send us an email. We're here for you and we'll be happy to help you.


Patti said…
Thank you for following my blog! This is a fantastic idea! Just another example of the creative minds we have going on out here in blogland!!! =)
aSpoonfulOsugar said…
Wow!!! Just started blogging and can't believe I have found such a great site...can't wait to one day be a blog of the month. Thank for giving me the opportunity to make new friends.

Samantha of
Ashley said…
I'm signing! Great job!
nichole said…
definitely signing! those comments are frustrating!
jo said…
Great! I'm signing.
Alex said…
I signing you guys Rock!
Anonymous said…
Signed, sealed, delivered, I'm yours!
Anonymous said…
Pinky swear...I will never leave an inappropriate and plastic comment in response to someone's excellent words. <3
Jennifer Kay said…
Consider me pledged!
Katherine said…
Signed and added your button, Hugs!
Danielle Leal said…
I'm totally signing the pledge! :D
Isabel said…
I got one of those pasted comments before. At first I liked it that somebody decided to follow my blog. Then after reading your previous post On Following, I was like 'Yeah, that's rude!'. Anyways, I'm signing. FTLOB has introduced me lots of blogs worth reading! =)
Unknown said…
I pledge. I pledge!
Crystal said…
I love you guys and LOVE FTLOB. Thanx for all you do to make not only this community but all of the members' blogs successful! You girls are awesome!!
AubrieAnne said…
I am signing specifically to help fight against the "following you, follow me" comment of death! I vow never ever to do it myself and to fight against it for as long as I blog!!!

I wrote all about it here...

AubrieAnne @
Grace said…
i pledge! i hate those follow backs comments cause then you feel obligated to follow back even when you don't really want to. so here's my sign:

Grecia @
Patty said…
.....I solemnly swear to abide by all Blogging Rules and likewise courteous Blogger Behavior until the end of my time on this planet!

Awesome site....thanks for letting me join!
kitten said…
I'm in! Thanks again for this starting this community! :)
Jamie Rubeis said…
I am signing the pledge! :)
Unknown said…
I am so in!!! Thanks for hosting this fun community ladies! :)
-Mallori said…
I sign the pledge!
Branson said…
I ama genuine commenter, and if I comment on your blog rest assured there is no cut and paste and I actually enjoyed your content!
Datssocute said…
I signed the pledge. I love your site, and Thirsty Thursday, it's my favorite. I blog hop everyday. I would love more followers, but just because it shows me people really like what I have to say, not just because they want followed back! I really, really want a button. That's what I'm going to work on real soon!
Unknown said…
I sing the pledge! YAY:)
angie on maui said…
Signing the pledge! Thanks!
Nikki said…
I'm so excited to have found this community! Hi!
Unknown said…
I am signing the pledge! BUT I am waiting to do all the extra stuff until I revamp my blog! But I love this and am so excited to be a part of your blog!
Unknown said…
Yaaay this is so awesome! I am signing the pledge :)
Beth said…
I signed the pledge a while back.
Anonymous said…
I am signing the pledge. While I don't have enough time to view other blogs in the blog hop, I will still submit my blog to each hop. Also, I will never leave copy and paste comments as those are very annoying and usually have nothing to do with my entry. When I have time (Winter Quarter started this week, so I have work and school and homework and reading assignments to worry about) I will go through my comments and delete copy and paste ones.
Leigh said…
I am signing the pledge. It is nice to see a blog that gives such good advice and helps other blogs to grow. Thanks!
Anonymous said…
I'm signing the pledge!

What a wonderful and supportive initiative!

♥ it
Yay! I signed the pledge! So glad to be a part of this wonderful site! Thanks for bringing us all together!

~Rachel~ said…
What an fabulous way to "meet" new bloggers. Thanks for provide this outlet! :-)
Missy said…
I LOOOOOOOVE this! Heck yeah, I'm signing the pledge.
Anonymous said…
This is me signing the pledge!! Thanks so much for hosting this site. What a neat idea. I put your blog button on my home page, right hand side.
Amy said…
Signing my life away (well, not so much! But it sounded fun, right?!)
Hooray for bloggy friends!
"M" said…
Signing the pledge! Love the idea of this blog :)
Christy said…
Great blog concept, ladies! Consider me signed up.
Unknown said…
i do promise! *fingers up like a boy/girl scout*
6 Happy Hearts said…
I'm in.
Love this community idea!
Denise said…
Pinky swear! digitally signing. Spectacular ideas!
Heather M said…
I just LOVE you guys!!!! Im Signing!!!
Elle said…
Signing the pledge!!
Chelsea Finn said…
Singing up. this is such a wonderful idea. :)
grace said…
I'm in. I here do pledge to have an awesome blog & support the blogging community in general! =)
grace said…
oops! I just accidentally added my "Mama" blog in the Daddy category! I'm sorry! I didn't scroll down enough to see the Mama category. Ugh, please forgive me & feel free to delete!
Sherri said…
I pledge. I just fall more in love with this site everyday:)
Mel. said…
I totally pledge!
Kim said…
Totally pledge! I'm a fairly new blogger but I have quickly become frustrated with the "copy & paste" comments. I love following new blogs but if someone doesn't even take a moment to read mine...well, I'm not so inclined to follow them.
Happy Blogging!
Unknown said…
I pledge! I am so excited to be a part of this group! :)

Christina said…
I love this community and am pledging!
Unknown said…
I accidently hit something on someone's blog and it led me here...meant to be I'd say! So I am pledging and glad to be part of the group :-)
Test said…
I'm pledging! I love this idea.
cakeologist said…
I'm signing! I am new to blogging and am learning so much from people. I had no idea there were so many incredible blogs out there.
Karen said…
Thanks for these timely, courteous tips. Signed the pledge. blessings on your day!
Anonymous said…
Great! I signed. All yours - From Beadsyy's Diary @Singapore!
30ish Mama said…
What a great idea! Happy to sign the pledge and build some new relationships. Looking forward to the blog hops and features.
I am signing the pledge. I am so glad to have found this site!
samridhi said…
i m signing the pledge
Andrea said…
Your site is awesome! Signing the pledge!
Hayley said…
I am a new blogger always looking for comments and feedback and love finding other new blogs for inspiration!!

I pledge!! YAY this is awesome! my friend told me bout this site! :)
you guys give small blogs like mine a chance to meet new people and be heard!

Xoxo Andrea
Donna said…

That's my signature. Really. That's how I sign everything!

Seriously though, who WOULDN'T sign, you guys rock all our socks and slippers too! Keep on being fantastical! Oh and WOW, I missed a lot in a week didn't I? I'm gonna go lurk now and catch up! :)
Alexia said…
Pledge Signed. Love what you guys are doing and I'm eager to join :)
Chrissy said…
Oh, I love this! I am signing the pledge! Awesome idea, ladies!
Love your blog!!! i just signed :)this is such a great ideia!
kiley said…
So happy I found you guys...looking forward to my first hop!
Thanks for your love and support!
Citygirlchic said…
Hey all,

I'm very happy to be part of this group and look forward to reading some great blogs and meeting come cool bloggers!
This is a great idea I would love to be apart of it and meet more bloggers!!
Unknown said…
Signed! Great way to network! I love stuff like this... :) Other's reach out so we can be connected!

Vogue & Vintage
Unknown said…
How do I submit for a feature? I have a lot of wity fashion love to share! :)
Hockey Wife said…

Can't wait to participate in all the FTLOB has to offer! Yay!

Hockey Wife
Create With Joy said…
HI Vic,

Consider me pledged! I already follow this fabulous blog and just added your badge to my sidebar!

Have a fabulous week and hope you're enjoying the photo parties!

Jess said…
I'm signing!!
Thank you for all that you are doing for us!!
I can't wait to meet some awesome bloggers!!
I have signed!
What a great site!
Thank you.
Kristi said…
Aha! I was looking for this page : ) I'm signing!

Rachel said…
Awesome site, consider me signed!
I'M SIGNING! FUN! I can't wait to have new blog friends!
Lindsey said…
I am so excited to become part of the group!
Proud to sign the pledge :)
The pledge is signed and the blog is live.

Thanks for the great site!!

Ross said…
I've signed the pledge. Thanks Again!
Margie P. said…
Happily signing! Lori from
Unknown said…
I am glad to sign! Long live blogging tip #14!
Carrie said…
Im happy to sign the pledge :) So happy I stumbled across this blog/community. I'll be proudly displaying one of your buttons on my page!
Unknown said…
Oh sign me up! I take the pledge of being real, authentic, and a good blogging friend:) Down with feeling used for a follow, I agree! I will be adding your button in my scrolling Link Love:) Looking forward to being a part of the community.
Sonya Marie said…
Kim said…
Signing the pledge. Thank you for allowing me to be apart of this wonderful community. Happy Blogging.
Miss Allie said…
This is such a great place! Consider this my signing!
Cathy Kennedy said…
Signing on! I placed your button on my site and zipped you an email with my blog code. Looking forward to meeting bunches of new friends.

Happy blogging!
Anonymous said…
This sounds great!! Yay! Thank you!
Jessica Geels said…
I'm so excited to have found such an AMAZING site! You can count me ALL IN!
SarahB said…
This is such an awesome site for those of us who are new to blogging and love finding new friends! I PLEDGE to blog hop as much as I can!! Thank you!
Dawn said…
What a wonderful thing you have going on here. I'm thrilled to get to participate.
a moderate life said…
Oh, I am so excited to find your spot and take the pledge,one that I believe in strongly as I traipse across the bloggie world! Hope you will visit me at a moderate life and say Hi! I am now following all your tweets and your blog via GFC. All the best, Alex
Nicole said…
Signing the pledge!
gee said…
so glad i found this lovely blog! <3
signing the pledge.
Stephanie said…
I sign the pledge, thank you for providing this opportunity.

Gertrude said…
I sign the pledge! I'm so happy that I found this blog! x
X marks the spot! I sign the pledge! Thank you for this blog, it's wonderful!
Anonymous said…
Thanks! for creating this wonderful blog, it's uber amazing! I sign the pledge (:
Kelley said…
Great Blog, and its great that you trying to help aspiring bloggers. I salute your efforts
Laura said…
This is great!!! :) I'm signing up!!! thanks ladies!

furygirl3132 said…
I sign the pledge! I am a new member here and excited to be a part of your community! Thanks so much and have a great day!

This looks like fun and I took up one of your buttons. I'm so excited to be apart of this community!
lspar002 said…
I love blogging and can't wait to meet some great new bloggers!
Ashlee said…
Looking forward to connecting with other blogs!! Signing the pledge! :)
Kandy said…
signing the pledge

I absolutely LOVE FTLOB
OKinUK said…
JohnHancocking the pledge.
I'm in! Such a neat site.

Christy @
Gina Thomas said…
i am so excited to have found this blog through a fellow member:)
Anonymous said…
So glad I found this blog. I'm in!!
Sam said…
Signing! :D This is such a great blog! Thank you!
Moe said…
I am totally in! I am so glad to find a community to be a part of :)
I'm so glad I clicked the FTLOB link! I love this site! Count me in!
DoubleTheLove! said…
Just found this site, and I am in! =)
Renae said…
I'm super excited about finding this site.. a wonderful blooger told me about it...
I'm totally in!!
Marjorie said…
I'm signing the pledge!!! I can't wait to dissect this site and find awesome blogs and blogging tips!! Thank ya!
Kate said…
Hereby signing the pledge!
What a wonderful idea! I'm so glad I found you! I'm working really hard on my blog each week so that it will be something helpful to parents out there...not just something to follow. I love this!

Practical Parenting
Ed said…
Signing the pledge! There are so many awesome, wonderful bloggers out there...can't wait to meet more!
Unknown said…
This is lovely! I'm signing!
Anonymous said…
Totally signed up! xx
Liz said…
Signing this pledge whole heartedly! I want to be a part of something big, and this is it. I love people!!!
Erin said…
I solemnly add my pledge.

Erin Leigh ---------
Amanda said…
I'm really pleased to be signing the pledge! Thanks for hosting such a fab blog!
Anonymous said…
I just found this site, and it seems like such a great community! Signing the pledge :)
(Single)Mommy said…
I'm pledging! What a great blog idea. I love it! I solemnly swear I will never leave another boring "Hi I'm a new follower comment again!"

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