Welcome to the page of 'Best Blogs' according to our categories. Every couple of months we will highlight the best blogs from our directory . Our first attempt was a blast despite a few dilemmas. We try to get everyone involved to have a great time and do these fun contests to meet new faces plus give you all a chance to gain more exposure. Since this was our first attempt, we're doing something to make it as fair as possible and will be happy to listen to suggestions on the next 'Best in Category' contest. Below you will find our First Place Winners , be sure to stalk them like crazy and coming in after them will be listed underneath. Second Place Winners: I've Become My Parents The Ginja Ninja Bella Vida Running in Heels Live, Love, Travel A Serendipitous Life Soul Singing Liv Relevant Notes Cupcake Photography A Sparrow's Flight Blackpurl's Knitpickings My Fabulous Pursuit of Happiness My Show A Sorta Fairytale And Then, She {Snapped}...
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