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Showing posts with the label Best in Category

Best In Category Blogs

Welcome to the page of 'Best Blogs' according to our categories. Every couple of months we will highlight the best blogs from our directory . Our first attempt was a blast despite a few dilemmas. We try to get everyone involved to have a great time and do these fun contests to meet new faces plus give you all a chance to gain more exposure. Since this was our first attempt, we're doing something to make it as fair as possible and will be happy to listen to suggestions on the next 'Best in Category' contest. Below you will find our First Place Winners , be sure to stalk them like crazy and coming in after them will be listed underneath. Second Place Winners: I've Become My Parents The Ginja Ninja Bella Vida Running in Heels Live, Love, Travel A Serendipitous Life Soul Singing Liv Relevant Notes Cupcake Photography A Sparrow's Flight Blackpurl's Knitpickings My Fabulous Pursuit of Happiness My Show A Sorta Fairytale And Then, She {Snapped}...

Best in Category Voting Linky

Our best in category blogs will be displayed for a total of 3 months throughout our site giving you maximum exposure and making it a fun way to meet new faces. The way it works; if you left a comment on this post  and you hold a ftlob badge, you are entered into the voting likes below where you will need to get as many votes as possible to win the title, "Best in Category".  So get ready to ask your friends from everywhere to come 'LIKE' your blog! The linky will be active until the 29th, we will then get the best in category blogs ready for exposure on the first of the month along with our blog of the month . The voting polls didn't work out as planned so this was the next most easiest way to get you your winning titles! We will ADD the blogs to the Linky and then you can Vote! Like whomevers blog you like the best in that category. DO NOT ADD ANY LINKS TO THIS LINKY--THIS IS FOR BEST IN CATEGORY ONLY AND WE WILL ADD THE BLOGS ! all others will...

Best in Category

Leave it to our most wonderful Ashley to come up with this ahhhmaZing idea. Friends, We are going to be Choosing a Best in Category Blog to go along with our Blog of the Month . How it works: Link Up in our directory {if you haven't already}, you must be a member-{we don't know this unless you carry one of our badges } or you can grab a button below if you'd like. {we can make you a specific one if you need} Each Category Gets the Title, "Best in Category" : so if you are a food blog, a food blog gets the title for the month, if you are a fashion blog, a fashion blog gets the title and so on and so forth. Every Category will get that title, so be sure to link up in your specific category.   <center><a href=""><img border="0" src="" /></a></center>     <center><a href=""><img bor...