Hi! I'm Rachel, and I blog. I'm addicted to decaf tall vanilla nonfat lattes, and purses. Oh, and shoes, but that's a given, right? I'm married to a super cool dude, and we have three annoying adorable kids. I say we have three kids, but we had four babies. Our third child, Mina , passed away at six days old. That sucked. I stay home, well, by stay home I mean I drive kids around and go to Target. I also watch way too much tv, spend far too many hours on the internet, and do a ton of online shopping. If you only knew how many things I "add to cart", and never ever buy. There should be some kind of 12 step program to get me off of that, but I guess it's better than buying everything I added to my cart, because then I'd also need a bankruptcy attorney. My blog is where I do whatever the hell I want. (Isn't that the point of having my own blog?). There you'll find my Dear Charlie letters (written to my favorite youngest child). You'll ...
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