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FTLOB tutorial - how to widen your blog

well hello beautiful faces!  hope you all are having a wonderful day. we thought it was a good time to share another simple tutorial with you all.  today we're sharing with you how to widen your blog beyond 1,000 pixels.

you will want to start by clicking on the "design" section listed on your dasboard

 next select the "edit HTML" option
before making any coding changes to your blog, it is always a good idea to download a full template of your design to your computer first. this way, if something goes wrong you have a back up of your original design.

once you are done downloading your template, you will need to go into the coding and find the wording above.  you can hit control F to specify wording to be found.  type template-skin and it will bring you to this section!
now you will want to find value= on the first line of code.  here you will see the pixel width.  in this example the value is already set to 1000.  you can change this number to whatever you would like.  typically 1100px or 1200px gives you the perfect amount of extra space!

we hope this tutorial was helpful!  we would like to offer more of these for you that are interested.  please leave a message in the comments below if there is something in particular that you would like us to do a tutorial on!

have a beautiful day!


Alex Jae said…
Thank you so much! It was driving me crazy that to fit the buttons I wanted I had to make my blog posts smaller and the sides bigger, now its all bigger!! Thanks :)
hannah banana said…
thanks for this. i've been trying to figure this out for ages
Mallory said…
Awesome!! Thanks so much!
Michael said…
YOu gals rock! Just did it thanks to your tutorial. Looks fantastic. Thanks again!!

If you ever have tutorials on commenting that would be great. I use blogger and would love a way to reply directly to comments IN the comment section.
ginger said…
Thanks!! This is so helpful!!!!
Hello Sundae said…
Alright, alright. I get the hint! My blogs needs a little love. This tutorial actually helped a ton!
chantilly said…
actually, thank you so much for this! it's perfect timing. i recently changed my blog to 3 columns, and was thinking it looked a little squished. this will completely solve my problem!!

Urban Earthworm said…
I was just wondering about this earlier today. Thanks for posting it!
Kitty said…
Totally thank you for this! Bookmarking for future use!
Thanks so much for this! It was so easy!
Amanda said…
Thank you SO much, this is so helpful!
Jhan said…
wow. Thank you very kindly for posting this. I've been trying to do this for forever. Eventually, I just guessed my way through it.
S said…
Oh Thank-You-Thank-You-THANK-You! I've been trying to do this for awhile, but the only way I knew how to do it was with Blogger's template designer, which only allows you go go out to 1000px.

Now how do I widen my header to match the width of the blog?
Cait said…
Such a simple tutorial, I can actually follow it! Yay! Your tutorials are the best and have helped me so much :)

I am always trying to figure out how to get rid of the spaces between my buttons on my sidebar, a tutorial on that would be so fab! Pretty please :)
Question: how come when I do this my sidebars still don't stretch to the very sides? Do I need ot change the margins or something? I've seen plenty of other blogs with no white space on the very left and right sides, but mine doesn't want to!


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