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Featured Blog: and then, she snapped

Hi! I'm Rachel, and I blog.
I'm addicted to decaf tall vanilla nonfat lattes, and purses. Oh, and shoes, but that's a given, right? I'm married to a super cool dude, and we have three annoying adorable kids. I say we have three kids, but we had four babies. Our third child, Mina, passed away at six days old. That sucked.
I stay home, well, by stay home I mean I drive kids around and go to Target. I also watch way too much tv, spend far too many hours on the internet, and do a ton of online shopping. If you only knew how many things I "add to cart", and never ever buy. There should be some kind of 12 step program to get me off of that, but I guess it's better than buying everything I added to my cart, because then I'd also need a bankruptcy attorney.
My blog is where I do whatever the hell I want. (Isn't that the point of having my own blog?). There you'll find my Dear Charlie letters (written to my favorite youngest child). You'll find a TON of photos, including my completed project 365 where I took and posted a photo every single day for a freaking year. You'll also find show {off} your shot, a weekly photo challenge I host, which is great fun. And even the occassional room makeover. (sometimes I pretend I'm one of those home decor bloggers). In my spare time I also make AWESOME custom camera strap covers. And when you buy one, it helps with my shoe addiction, so that's pretty cool.
I would LOVE if you'd stop by and say hi. I'm so excited to meet you I could jump!
I'll be waiting!
and then, she {snapped} 


Jenny said…
I love her blog :D She takes a lot of awesome photos. Makes me jealous sometimes LOL
rachel said…
Oh, how surprised was I to click "next" in my reader and see my own face staring back at me! thanks for the feature!
Congrats on your feature! I will for sure check out your blOg. Hahaha I think Target was made just for Moms!
Olivia Grace said…
I LOVE Rachel, such a wonderful blog she has! And she's an amazing photographer!
Delaney said…
I'm definitely going to check her out! I can relate with putting things in your online shopping cart.
Unknown said…
She sounds so fun!!! :) Loving shoes is a given... pretty sure.
Patty said…
We "shoe people" have to stick together, lol

Wonderful post, Rachel and..congrats on being featured! Great photos, beautiful family, nice knees on the hubs!

Hannah said…
she is adorable! :)
- Sherlyn - said…
Hilarious! Love it =)
Andrea said…
What a wonderful blog!!!! Congrats!!!!
Beth said…
I always am telling people that I participate in retail therapy by adding tthings to my cart.....and never purchasing them! A girl can dream!! Going to check out her blog, actually I have already posted some pics there:)!
Alex said…
Love her sense of humor... great pick.. as always!
rachel said…
thanks everyone for the sweet comments. what an awesome day!
Unknown said…
hysterical! love this! : )
Hockey Wife said…
I love your write-up! As I read it, I found myself thinking, 'I could be friends with her!' I think I'm already following you but I need to do a little catch-up reading, for sure! Congrats on the feature.
TriGirl said…
Great write-up! So cute!
thatgirlblogs said…
yay! my bloggie buddy :)

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