Hi there, FTLOB readers! I'm Jessica, and I blog at where is my instruction manual... I started blogging just over a year ago for reasons unknown. I just dove in, and I have loved every minute of the conversation, community, and friendship that blogging has brought my way. My husband and I have been married for six years, and we have an adorable, spunky, independent toddler who takes up most of our time and attention. Meet Cara. On the blog, I share a lot of our successes, failures, joys, and frustrations that come along with raising a toddler. As a first time mommy, I often feel a little clueless about the "right" way to parent, but I'm learning as I go. Being a mommy has changed me fundamentally, but I would never go back! In my spare time, I teach high school English; finding the balance between work and home has been tough for me. I also like to cook and sew , so I share quite a few of those projects on the blog as well. I hope you'...
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