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Featured Blog: Where is my Instruction Manual

Hi there, FTLOB readers!  I'm Jessica, and I blog at where is my instruction manual...  I started blogging just over a year ago for reasons unknown.  I just dove in, and I have loved every minute of the conversation, community, and friendship that blogging has brought my way.
My husband and I have been married for six years, and we have an adorable, spunky, independent toddler who takes up most of our time and attention.
Meet Cara.
On the blog, I share a lot of our successes, failures, joys, and frustrations that come along with raising a toddler.  As a first time mommy, I often feel a little clueless about the "right" way to parent, but I'm learning as I go.  Being a mommy has changed me fundamentally, but I would never go back!
In my spare time, I teach high school English; finding the balance between work and home has been tough for me.  I also like to cook and sew, so I share quite a few of those projects on the blog as well.  I hope you'll come visit me at where is my instruction manual... and join in the conversation, community, and friendship!


Patty said…
Such incredibly beautiful photos!

As Moms, we all fly by the seat of our pants with our first child and any others who follow; it's definitely a learning process, different for everyone! Phooey on any instruction manual, lol. We all become experts at what we do best!

Congrats on being featured!
Unknown said…
Wonderful pictures! I only started Blogging in March of this year and I am really loving it.
Judy from Jamaica
Lindsey said…
Love the timeline! You are so beautiful!
Wouldn't it be great if they did give you an instruction manual with your child at the hospital? "This is your daughter and these are the instructions for how to raise her."
Elizabeth said…
What an adorable family you have! Congrats on #commenthour. Glad to have found your blog!
Aw, they grow so fast. Your daughter is so pretty! Love that your blogging is helping you capture these moments!
Sarah @ made in usa challenge
Kelly Krewson said…
You have a very beautiful little girl!
Anonymous said…
Your photos are beautiful - children are growing so fast you need to take each day at a time and put down your thoughts, build up memories. Glad to follow your journey!
Cindee said…
So awesome love you photo journey. I still wish sometimes there was a manual, however, we would miss the ride.#comment hour love
Kat said…
LOVE the title - haha
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Anonymous said…
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