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Twitter Hop Thursday {new hop}

Hello pretties! Today we are exploring something new and exciting. Thirsty Thurs doesn't get quite as many members involved BUT for those that love to post a drink to cheer to, please feel free to incorporate that into this new hop!

I know we have a twitter link up but this is a great new way to gain some more twitter followers as well as blog friends. I, myself read a ton of blogs through twitter. It's the greatest source for me. If you're not familiar with it, we'll help you, just ask!
Each week we will host and choose a Tweep to be Highlighted. This weeks Tweep is A Sparrow's Flight via @Joyful_Sparrow who will be displayed in our #1 spot here on the linky, followed by our staff here at #FTLOB
Please visit her blog and then follow her via twitter, mention you are from the #FTLOB twitter hop and it's nice to meet her!

The RULES for LINKING Up! [yes we're getting a little technical]

1.) WAIT To link up until you see the Highlighted Tweep and 4 Hosts spots filled=The First 5 Should be filled before you add your twitter URL.

2.) Add Your Twitter URL to the linky, for example: (replace userid with your twitter name)

3.) Follow As Many Tweeps in this hop as possible {we realize you won't like everyone and that's okay, but try to give everyone a shot}

4.) If someone starts following you, be kind enough to give them a follow back or at least give them a twance!

5.) Mention your new friends by @ing them to introduce yourselves! Get friendly!

Each new week we will grab a Tweep to Highlight, so LINK up and join the fun. Remember that you don't need to follow everyone for a follow but give everyone a chance by checking their tweets out and exploring the tweeps.


If you DON'T link directly to your TWITTER ID or wait until the first 5 slots are filled, then it will be deleted. Now link up and enjoy your new tweeps!


Clayton Thomas said…
Hey, I know we're already connected but thanks for the hop!!!

Kristin said…
Love this idea of a twitter hop! :-) I'm obsessed with twitter!

Diary of KFun: Confessions of the Shamelessly Sarcastic
Joyful Sparrow said…
Thank you for the lovely feature! I adore this site, and all you ladies at FTLOB for all your hard work. Thank you!!
Kitty said…
Squee!! Twitter hop! I'm always looking for new followers but it seems all the followers I get lately are spambots (BOO!)

I'm a certified Twitter addict, just telling you that right now, so if you're looking for tweeps who are quiet...I'm not your girl. LOL
Unknown said…
This is a great idea!! I see several here that I already follow... off to find someone new! :)
Anonymous said…
What a fun Idea - I have already followed several people :)

Summer @ Idea Cupboard

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