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Twitter List

Yes! It's time for FTLOB to bring a Twitter List to this awesome little site we have going on here. As You can see, we love to TWEET and want to be sure we are following all of your tweets. Please feel free to link up here so we can tweet with you daily.

TWITTER URL'S ONLY-all others will be deleted

Ready. Set. Tweet.


Unknown said…
Thanks ladies! I finally just made a Twitter yesterday so I'm still getting the hang of it. This hop came at a perfect time :)

Rachel said…
mine is protected but I will follow back! @rachel_b123 :-)
"M" said…
Twitter is still very strange to me, but I can appreciate how it connects the blogging world.
Alex said…
WOoo HOOOO love you guys!!! make sure you all follow me @Alexsworld10... I love twitter!
Anonymous said…
Hope you all have a great week!
Christina said…
I am still trying to figure out how to "use" Twitter but happy to have new people to follow!
oops...posted wrong URL...please delete and I will try again!
Yay! Thanks for the Twitter list! I am a Twitter addict - so much fun and a great way to promote blogs!
Sherri said…
Yeeks...Twitter scares me. But for u, ftlob, i will... try?!lol
Branson said…
Awesome! Thanks for adding this!
Tammilee said…
Thanks for this great list!
Yes I love this! I'm kinda a twitter-holic :)
Sorry. I made a booboo on my link. Somehow it says it doesn't exist. Waaa.
Please delete #42 coz it has a wrong link. I posted #43 and it's working. Yay!
Anonymous said…
Aww, amazing! :) Fantabulous idea!

Love Britt xxx
Stephanie said…
Please delete number 45, I put my blog link instead of my twitter url. 46 is right
Anonymous said…
What a fun idea. It took me a while, but I figured out how to add my link. *lol*
Heather Jones said…
Thanks for this!! I added myself to the linky!!

Heather From and Mommy Only Has Two Hands! and Lynhea Designs
Unknown said…
THIS is a GREAT idea!!! All linked up with my twitter now! ;)
Ember said…
tweet tweet!! =)
Anonymous said…
Thanks for hosting!
I'm a new follower via GFC.
Anonymous said…
I <3 hops! You guys are ace! x
Crystal said…
I'm kind of a twitter-virgin...but very eager to learn!! I ususally just watch everyone else having I would LOVE it if anybody wanted to talked to me via twitter!!!
Galit Breen said…
Love, love, LOVE this idea! Hooray for connecting! XO
Hockey Wife said…
I keep trying to add my link but it's not working ....


Tweet, tweet.
Anonymous said…
Ah! So many twitter buddies.
And yes, indeed, thanks for hosting!
MandeeFoFandee said…
argggg, my link isn't working but I just signed up for Twitter yesterday, and I'm already hooked!

Whit said…
#96 I was a little drunk at the wheel and put a space in there, so that link doesn't work. I'm sorry!
yay, how fun! I always forget to follow via twitter when i follow blogs so this is perfect!

Bernadette - Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas
tawna6988 said…
OK so I added my twitter ID which is tawna6988 and I want to go follow everyone on the list but how do I let them know I am following them from twitter so the can follow back?
Kandy said…
This is weird... I saw this and was like... YAY!!!!! I totally want to add my twitter... went to add myself and I was already there....but I didn't add myself LOL... did that make sense?!?! c r a z y.... =/
Unknown said…
I just found this and linked up! woohoo!
Ashley said…
Whooops! Put my own site the first time. 110 should be deleted - sorry!
Shah Wharton said…
It won't accept my link? Keeps asking me for an accurate link?!/shahw1 - I entered one (like this but removed the #!) but it doesn't direct you to my twitter page? HELP! ;) Shah .X
Blogs said…
@shah what is your twitter username and i will do it for you!?
Shah Wharton said…
Oh fabulous - its!/shahw1. Many thanks Vic. X
Miss365 said…
Sorry, #141 I put the link to my blog rather than twitter accidently, please delete. My twitter is #142 :)
animal shelter said…
Twitter is a nice tool. A very quick way to network with people and share a few words. I'm on the list.
Joni Nickrent said…
Thanks for the link up. look forward to tweeting with you!
Unknown said…
Just added my blog. Here is my twitter @winegirl15 Looking forward to connecting with more mommies!
Adriane said…
Hmmm this is my first time linking up my Twitter account and I'm not sure I did it right! @adrianeherlihy from Every Mile A Memory.
Anonymous said…
Yay! I just got a twitter account :)
thepaisleytab said…
Thanks so much! I have two Twitter Accounts. I'm new at this whole twitter thing. :)!/CTandCW!/ThePaisleyTab
Cait said…
I can't seem to link up my twitter here? Any clues?
So I'll post it on here instead:!/Cait_425
Lisa Taylor said…
Well my twitter didn't link up - my blog did instead. And I have no idea how it happened :-(
Anyway - I'm Luciamia on twitter.
Unknown said…
Great idea!

@spud_slinger is mine, or for those who like the long text.

My blog is a tongue-in-cheek look at Idaho culture and current events from a Californian transplant's point of view. I hope you like it. :)
KraftyKreationz said…
I was having a little trouble getting mine to link up too. Went to my site instead.

Unknown said…
nora91909, feel free to add me :]
Jen said…
Thanks again for the opportunity, I really appreciate it :)

Unknown said…
Thanks for this opportunity to add my twitter link.

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