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Comment Love Day

Happy Sunday and Comment Love Day my friends! If you are new here, this is a blog hop designed to help you truly meet some new friends. We ask that you follow a few simple rules so things run smoothly and everyone gets a little love.


1. Please link up your blog below and leave a comment here at FLTLOB saying hello! Tell us a little about yourself or what you are up to this summer!
2. Visit the blog above you in the comments section (and the linky too if you wish!) and leave them a genuine, nice comment. Please read their post and comment on it. Feel free to let them know you are coming by from Comment Love but we beg you not to leave a cut and pasted general remark and please don't ask anyone to follow you! That's a FTLOB no-no.
3. Visit 2-3 other blogs in the hop and show them some love too!

It's so easy, I know y'all can do it! (btw I'm from California and we don't get to say "y'all" here. I think we are seriously missing out, I love it.) Have fun and spread the love!



Miss Allie said…
Super excited!! Can't wait to meet a few more bloggers!
have a great sunday everyone.
ahappygirl said…
Happy Weekend! I'm just returning from a long trip to the Cystinosis Family and Medical Conference out in San Francisco. Happy to be home.

Unknown said…
Happy Comment Love Day!
Unknown said…
Happy comment love day everyone. I love meeting new bloggers from FTLOB!
Lozzz123 said…
hope everyone's been having a great weekend! :)
Ixy said…
Woot woot! Comment love day!!
Sailor July said…
Hi everyone! I'm Angie, 21, living in Utah with my beautiful best friend, wife and soul mate Jen! We have two kitties, Wedge and Mau and one birdie, Jango!!!

There's a little about me. YAY comment love day!
JC said…
Hello, I am 28 & I enjoy writing & finding free stuff :) I like to help others & share what I know. I love pop music, horror movies & reality tv.

This summer I am spending it under the AC. Smile.
Kate Weber said…
I'm Kate, author of Simply Kate. I live in Vegas. It's not as glamorous as it sounds, but I still have tons of fun.

This summer has been all about reading for me. I've got a big list of books I am going to read and I'm having so much fun reading and reviewing them. It's been a good summer!

Simply Kate
What a great idea!! New to your blog and looking forward to meeting some genuine peeps ;) Gearing up for my baby girl turning 1 this weekend and my first craft show I'm in in two weeks! Busy busy, so taking a break to meet some other lovelies! Thanks for hosting such a fun partay!

Anonymous said…
Hola! Very lovely people here.
Anonymous said…
Yeah! Love this link up. Always a great way to meet new bloggers ...
My New Normal said…
Love this link up. Having a lazy weekend!
Found some new blogs to follow! :)
Treebytheriver said…
Wrote a long post this week, hope some people can appreciate it!
Yette Cruz said…
Hi! Nice to be back here! I've been a member since last year but I was a bit inactive for quite some time. Btw, I made a mistake at the 'Linky Tools' section. I hope that's okay.

Can't wait to get started on this btw! :)
Olivia Grace said…
Love finding new blogs through comment love! Have a great weekend everyone!
Happy Sunday! We're just trying to stay cool here in Missouri!
Jen said…
Have a good Sunday everyone - I hope no one else is working all day like I am!!
One of my very favorite hops! Thanks FTLOB, and Happy Comment Love Day!
-Kelsey Coghill said…
Thank you so much for hosting these great blog hops :)
Karen Greenberg said…
I look forward to this every Sunday. Thank you! This week has been crazy. I got offered a job Friday morning, we moved Friday night (the two are not related events), and I start work on Monday. It'll be nice to relax today and read some blogs.
Morning everyone! Happy Comment Love Day, can't wait to meet some awesome bloggers!!
Joyful Sparrow said…
Good morning! Here's to a relaxing Sunday for all of us :-}
Love Comment Love! :) It's another hot one here in CT. Hope everyone is keeping cool!!
Sinea said…
Hi! I'm Sinea (prounounced SEENA) and my blog is Ducks 'n a Row, dedicated to bringing simplicity and order to our busy lives. Right now I am on sabbatical from my day-job as the Office Manager of a thriving Christian school and taking a little time to organize my home and write more. I look forward to meeting more great bloggers on FTLOB! Enjoy your Sunday!
Rebecca said…
Happy Sunday everyone! My last Sunday before the bar exam...weee! I hope everyone is having a fabulous day!
Sar said…
I love Comment Sunday! This summer, I've attended no less than five (5!) weddings. It's been a blast.
Comment Sunday - always a great way to end the weekend!
Hello I'm Lala! said…
Good morning to all!! This summer I'm trying to stay cool, as I'm 5 months pregnant with my second child and miserably hot!!
(Fyi last week, I tried to leave comment on the post above mine, but I could not. I really could not figure out things on her blog).

erinj0 said…
This is such a great idea! I just found out about this :) I hope everyone has a great Sunday!
Anonymous said…
So glad to join in the fun today!!! I am always happy to find new bloggy friends to follow!!! Today is all about reading and catching up on blogs, going to church and chilling out !!! Hope you all enjoy YOUR day!
Unknown said…
Good morning! It's rather gray here today, so hopefully some bright blogs will counteract that bit of weather woe.
Rachel said…
Hi Everyone! I am a recent college grad learning how to live on my own, work instead of study, and crafting until much too late at night!

I am looking for lots of new blogs to read, so come introduce yourself!
rachel said…
Happy Sunday! I love comment love day because I grab my coffee and my laptop and sit in bed meeting new friends. Summer just literally started yesterday in the Pacific NW so we are just going to spend the day enjoying it! NEver know how long it will last!
AmandaDF said…
Happy Sunday everyone! Looking forward to reading all your blogs!
Unknown said…
Happy Sunday to everyone!!! Happy comment day! :)
Hillary said…
Happy comment love day!
Jackie said…
Thanks again for hosting :) Hop(e) you have a great day!
Abi said…
Hello :)
YAY! It's Sunday! It's such a lazy day for me O.o I get to catch up on my reading today!
Yvonne said…
Have a fabulous Sundays bloggers :)
hi! I'm 26 from NJ, engaged with NO wedding date set. I like writing (obviously since I have a BLOG), photography, animals & being outdoors. I just started looking at this blog & I'm loving it already. Have a nice Sunday!!
Nicole said…
Good morning, everyone! I absolutely love Sunday's, which is why I do a "Sunday Love" post each and every Sunday! Plus it's Comment Love Day - can't get much better than that!! Hope you're all having a fantastic day!
Mallory said…
Hello everyone! Hope everyone is having a great weekend!
Hey lovelies! I hope you've all had a great day :) Can't wait to make new finds! xxx mervi
KSK said…
I'm new here to FTLOB! I am super excited to meet new bloggers!
Anonymous said…
Hello ladies! I hope everyone is having a relaxing start to a new week! Can't wait to check out some of your blogs!
Natalie said…
Happy Comment Love Day! Is it already almost Monday again?
Unknown said…
Happy Sundae! Two more weeks of summer classes left!
The Girl Behind said…
Loving the linky today and looking forward to finding some great blogs to add to my reading list.
Anonymous said…
Thank you so much for hosting this wonderful idea! Great Linky and definitely looking forward to meeting more bloggers! :) My baby girl is due today! Keep your fingers crossed for me :)
Happy Sunday!
Barb said…
Happy Comment Love Day! I've not blogged too much this week, so yay! so happy to hop around and meet new bloggers today!
Kari said…
Happy Sunday - Comment Love Day - everyone! Hope you all have a fantastic day!
Yeah! One of the best things about Sundays. Looking forward to coming across some great new reads!
TriGirl said…
The impending end of the weekend is always made better by Comment Love Day! Looking forward to some new reads :)
Heleen said…
Happy Comment Love Day! It's finally nice in the PNW so I think my husband and I will be out walking around after a bit with our son. =]
Hi everyone! I would love if you go check out my blog. :) I <3 comment day! So much fun! I am going to go check out all of yours.
Kitty said…
Hi everyone! Happy Comment Love Day! This is my favorite day at FTLOB!

My name is Remy and I'm 23 from New Jersey. I talk about my life in general, being in a long-distance relationship with my future wife, Lauren and basically whatever else comes to mind!

I love meeting new people and bloggers from all walks of life. Do not be shy to come by and say hello!
Alycia said…
This is my first time participating in a Comment Day! This is fun :) I'm enjoying finding new blogs!
Hi everybody! Hope you all are having a Happy Sunday! I am relaxing and just had to join up with the Sunday Comments. Looking forward to reading them!

I do that inside of reading the newspaper filled with sad/bad news!
Unknown said…
Yay! Happy Sunday! ;) Can't wait to meet some of you!
Lauren said…
Linky linky...just enjoying fresh fruit and planning a wedding! Thanks for the Comment Love link up!
angie on maui said…
Hello loves! I haven't participated in a linky in a long time, so thought I would join in on the fun today. I love finding new blogs to read!

Hope everyone is having a beautiful day. :)
Laura said…
What a good day to stay in and avoid the humidity. Happy Sunday!
kit said…
Hey everyone, hope you're having a fun Sunday. This summer I'm hoping for some adventure!
Vapid Vixen said…
Love comment love day! Hate that it's so addicting! Keeps me from being outside..although melting into a puddle of strawberry milk doesn't sound too enticing at the moment.
Nazneen said…
Just came home from watching "Captain America" with the family. Loved it! We're comic nerds thanks to my husband. Good way to be out of this hot Denver sun though. Hope everyone else is having a fab Comment Love Sunday!!
I just started blogging in October so I'm still trying to meet some more bloggers :)

My blog is a little bit of everything, so come visit and you'll probably (hopefully) find something you like!
Hannah said…
My summer is so splendid, thanks. Lots of playing in the rain. Lots of sunshine. Lots of homemade ice cream, fruit tea, Italian ice, grilled vegetables, and watermelon :) Also, last night I got to see the funniest comic band (The Cleverlys) perform live. So. much. Fun. :)
Robyn said…
a busy sunday-so late joining! Hope everyone had a lovely day!
Vanessa said…
hey bloggers..have a great sunday!!
Great idea this 'bloghopping'! Cant wait to meet some new peeps ;)
Toni xo
I love Sundays! And comment love! And that watermelon! Yummy! I am going to go eat a piece of fruit RIGHT NOW!
pilgrimjamie said…
Hurrah, it's comment love day! Welcome comments near and far!
Ashley said…
Saying Hello!! I'm from Cali too, and you're not alone I say "y'all" all the time! This summer is about relaxing and trying to get my business and blog going. It's been fun so far.

Tonya said…
Love this much! Thanks FTLOB.

Tonya the Hobo Girl
Gillian said…
Love this idea! I am new to FTLOB - my blog is a whole mix of things: travel, my life in Los Angeles, my recent time as an expat in Spain, and running! Looking forward to meeting some cool people/finding some new blogs today!
Momma StJ said…
Comment Love Day= Best day ever :)
Alyssa said…
Love this day! :)
Tricia said…
Ahh I am probably the last person to link up but I love comment love day so I just have to with the rare chance that I'm not! Better late than never right?
dee said…
Oh! It's one of my favourite days in the blogging world again! I've had a hectic weekend of volunteering with barely no sleep and the work week begins again in a few hours! darn!
Hello! I am a new blogger looking to meet some great bloggers! I am trying mu best to stay cool this summer with this crazy heat! have a great week!
Misty said…
I'm a Cali girl too that also says Y'all! Cool people we are! :) Just continuing on with my 365 photography project.
I'm new here- just found this blog! Im a crafter, blogger, & I live in Southern California with lots of crazy animals in the backyard. I just wrote a post on cowboys. . .
Unknown said…
I am a new follower. This summer I am working on improving my little blog and finding interesting blogs to follow.
Unknown said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Miss365 said…
Finally here ! Been a bit blogging slow this week but looking forward to seeing what you guys have been up to. :)

Jessica said…
Hi! I am Jessica and I blog about mommy-hood, photography, photoshop and a ton more over at . I'm excited to meet more fellow bloggers!!!
I've missed Sunday but still up for some comment love...
I love this idea because we all feel better about blogging when there is a response. Right?

I blog about my photography shoots (and also ,my family but on a separate blog). Most recently I shoot my 6-month-old the most, but when I have a shoot for a client that goes up too.
Sécia Mischke said…
Spreading the love...

♥ sécia
Anonymous said…
i love comment love day! its a great way to meet new people!

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