It's time to Vote for our July Blog of the Month. Since the new layout, not as many seem to be that interested- which is good for the few nominees, I guess! I try to make this place as easy to navigate as possible so if something needs to be changed please let us know.
Coming Soon: Best in Category. This is the same concept as BOTM but every category will get a Best Blog Title. Details will be out shortly, so be sure you are linked up.
To nominate a favorite blog of yours for August, head here and leave a simple comment with their url.
To Vote for your Favorite Blog for July whom will be getting an introductory post, a link on the very top of the site ↑ See Where it Says Blog of the Month? Click that to see who your new friend will be. And a large Ad placed below the small ads.
The Nominees were:
King Corvid
A Sparrow's Flight
Truly Lovely
The other nominees not included were either nominated by themselves {not allowed} or not a member. So when nominating a blog, mention that you nominated them so they can come on over! xo
Vote Now
Coming Soon: Best in Category. This is the same concept as BOTM but every category will get a Best Blog Title. Details will be out shortly, so be sure you are linked up.
To nominate a favorite blog of yours for August, head here and leave a simple comment with their url.
To Vote for your Favorite Blog for July whom will be getting an introductory post, a link on the very top of the site ↑ See Where it Says Blog of the Month? Click that to see who your new friend will be. And a large Ad placed below the small ads.
The Nominees were:
King Corvid
A Sparrow's Flight
Truly Lovely
The other nominees not included were either nominated by themselves {not allowed} or not a member. So when nominating a blog, mention that you nominated them so they can come on over! xo
Vote Now