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Tasty Tuesday

Morning Foodies! How is everyone feeling today? Hungry we hope! We thought we'd start the day with something a little healthy so we won't feel too guilty when we dive in to the sweets!

I love the name of these almost as much as I would love to eat them. Visit Ginger Cooks All Things Nice for the full recipe. Think peanut butter and gooey chocolate. Yum!

Have a great time hopping around and checking out everyone's good eats! 



Unknown said…
I've never been first on a linky here before:) Looking forward to finding some new recipes!
Sweta said…
omg..fudgy puddles!!! <3
Patty said…
Happy Tasty Tuesday!

I'm hungry already and it's not even 5 a.m. here! Lots of yummy recipes to try!

Enjoy the day!
NCSue said…
Thank you for hosting.
I have a page on my site that lists more than 250 hops, memes, and photo challenges… some for each day of the week. Check under the header for the link to that page. I’ve also started a BlogFrog community that focuses on hops, carnivals, memes, and photo challenges. Go to to visit & participate.
Anonymous said…
I've posted again this week. I'm actually loving this meme as it challenges hubby and I to cook something properly rather than always going for the usual suspects. Fish & chips, Sausage & mash etc. I'm really enjoying it and I hope that other people out there are enjoying seeing some really healthy recipes too.

See you next week! I'm off to look at other recipes now.... yum, those fudgy puddles look gorgeous!
Michael said…
Love the name, fudgy puddles :)

Thanks for hosting! I linked up my kitchen sink krispie treats and rolo cookies.
My ones are some chinese impressions of food. Relax and enjoy! LG Tina
Domesblissity said…
Looking forward to trying some of the lovely recipes this week!

Sara B. said…
Linked up some yummy Indian food. It's been a few weeks since I linked up and I LOVE the new Tasty Tuesday button!
Guiltyhyena said…
Aloha, following you from 'I Love My Online Friends Monday Hop'

I could so with some good desert recipes.

Stephanie said…
Okay, totally annoyed because the Linky is being SO SLOW, but check out some stir-fry tofu! Even my non-veg family loved it. ;)
Unknown said…
Yum...fudge puddles. I'm hopping from the Totally Tuesday Blog Hop and I'm following you now. You can visit me at where I host a twitter hop on Tuesdays and a blog hop every Wednesday.
I have been trying to link, but I can't seem to get to the linky!! Here is my post!

I will keep trying, can't wait to see what everyone else is cooking!

So fun, I can't wait to browse through them all! Thanks!
Anonymous said…
For some reason, the linky tool's not working. :( ~ Courtney
Janie said…
Linky isn't working for me either :(

Will come back later :))
Ashley said…
Ugh the linky won't work for me either. What's the deal! They made their site more fancy and now it's slow as snails. Anyhoo, happy Tuesday! Here's my post.
Amy Anderson said…
Thanks so much for the feature!!

Amy @ A Little Nosh
Unknown said…
Hi. I am here from the Twitter Tuesday hop, but then I saw the Tasty Tuesday and mmmmmm..... looks so delicious, I might have to switch!

Missed you guys while I was MIA. Happy Tasty Tuesday!!

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