Hi guys! Today we are starting our new Wednesday photo challenge hop. Our getting fit moved to monthly. We also host an album if you'd like to show off your many photos. But this hop is all about your best photo shots. We want to see those picture perfect photos. They can include any photo you'd like, providing that it is yours. This is a challenge and totally up to you on how you decide to present your photo. Whomever has the most likes at the end of this challenge will win $10 in cash via paypal.com. New prizes each new week. The challenge ends on Tues, the night before we start our new picture perfect.
Some things you can do to your photos; you can leave it original, edit, add frames, borders, text, etc....We're not picky. This is a free for all. We want you to be creative and we want everyone to "Like" their favorite photo. I'm sure you all have gorgeous photos just waiting to be voted on.
- You MUST link directly to the submitted post, not your blogs. Those will be deleted.
- Please submit the photo on the linky thumbnail
- We'd like to see new photos for this challenge but you may submit old challenges if you don't have anything else.
- After you submit, ask your friends to "Like" your post here on this linky for your chance to win some cash.
- The Winning Photo will also be displayed on next weeks picture perfect post, right here, front and center.
But, I love this feature!
everyone be sure to link to the post of the photo and submit the photo you are entering on the linky thumbnail to get likes:) everyone have fun and vote for your faves! enjoy the day all