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Comment Love Day

Welcome to comment love day friends! This will be the last one and then we will host a new Album next week. And then we will resume comment love day the following week. To join in is simple:

Leave a comment HERE right after LINKING up!
Head to the person's blog who left a comment BEFORE yours.
Visit 2-3 Blogs in the Hop and Leave some comment LOVE-
Return the love when you get a chance!

everyone is welcome to join our hops! enjoy and have a fantabulous day. xo


if you'd like to do something fun today, head over to the lemonade blogs and create one for your blog! if you feel like writing. submit a story over at the anonymous project! go link up to the several parties over there on the right sidebar! if you are a fashion lover, get your posts ready for tomorrow's look book. start a convo in the groups and get your friends to join the fun! have a great day friends!


Ixy said…
Yay - my favourite hop! Happy Sunday everyone :)
Salonie said…
Sunday! Favourite-est day of the week! :)

Happy Sunday people!
Happy Sunday Everyone! Coffee and Blog Hopping time.
Off to Borders for new books and then I will spend naptime perusing great blogs! A great day :)
Bernie said…
Sunday already? Where did the time go? On the upside, its the first day of Spring!!
Finally some sunshine here! I hope everyone has a wonderful day!
Caseyt87 said…
Have a great day everyone! Enjoy this warm weather!
Natalie said…
Happy Sunday Friends!

I know I sound like a total geek, but I honestly look forward to this feature every week. What ever will I do next week?!
Patty said…
Happy Spring, I think. Woke up to a cold but sunny morning; good for doing some blog-hoppin'!

Have a lovely day!

Loving this beautiful weekend down in Georgia! Time for some blog-hopping before going outside to enjoy the spring weather :) Have a great day, everyone!
I love the Sunday comment blog hop!!
Happy Sunday!!
Isabel said…
Happy Sunday & reading & commenting everyone! I love this hop! :)
Randi S said…
Thanks or hosting!
Unknown said…
I love comment day!!! I love finding new friends!
Alyssa said…
Happy Sunday!! Time to relax and get ready for another busy week!
Kari said…
yay! happy sunday everyone!
Jen HaHA said…
Happy Sunday! It's spring, it's Comment Love Day, and it's sunny in Seattle. I think I'll take it :D

Thanks for the Linky party!
Jen Hemming and Hawing Again
b. lee said…
* hippity hoppity happy sweet SpRinG *
Trina M Curran said…
Happy Sunday! I finally go to shop H&M if you want to see! :)
my3littlebirds said…
Happy Sunday! And thanks for hosting!
Michelle said…
Happy Sunday lovelies! Looking forward to visiting all of your blogs :)
Thanks for hosting ! This is a great idea! Happy first day of spring!!

Lindsey said…
First time participating in this blog hop :) Excited to visit some new people!
Happy Sunday!!
Stephenie said…
Happy Sunday everyone! Hope everyone has a great day!
Anonymous said…
Hooray for comment love day!!
Heather M said…
HAPPY SUNDAY!!!! I hope its a beautiful day!!! <3
NKriste said…
Happy Sunday and first day of Spring!! I hope you all have a great day! :)
Hope everyone has a great Sunday!!
Anonymous said…
Happy do-nothing-productive day!
Anonymous said…
Happy first day of spring!
TriGirl said…
Happy spring! It's actually sunny here today, so I'm going to enjoy the sun, my coffee, and some new blogs! Thanks for Comment Love Day, Ashley, Lindsay and Vic!
Heather said…
First day of spring - and my allergies have flared up - as to be expected... LOL! I plan to spend the morning meeting some new bloggy buddies and then watching some live NHL hockey this afternoon! YAY! Happy Sunday!
-Kelsey Coghill said…
yay, so much fun!! thanks for hosting all these great blog hops :) I've found such great reads!!
Rebecca said…
Ahhh happy Sunday everyone! I am enjoying this one cuddled up, listening to the pouring rain outside - very rare in my neck of the woods. I anticipate this to be a veeery peaceful Sunday! I hope everyone has a wonderful day today!
Unknown said…
Woke up to the sun shining and the teens up and making noise. Our church has one service on Saturday nights and then three on Sundays and I go on Saturdays, just so I can enjoy a lovely, quiet being of my week. Not so today. I need to go pull weeds, but found this blog instead and I guess you know what happen to the weeds! Love this site. Have a blessed Sunday. New follower.
Sundays are the best day for blog hops! Already made some great new finds! :)
xox mervi
Unknown said…
I tried to copy your button for today's hop and when I paste, all I get is the code. Could I be doing something wrong?
Tiffany said…
Happy Sunday everyone!!
Just home from a great workout...linking up now. Have a great Sunday!
I'm spending my Sunday recovering from an epic snowboarding fail I had on Friday... check out my latest blog post to hear alllllll about it :)
Katherina said…
I'm looking forward to read some good blogs today! Happy sunday to all of you!
Jackie D said…
Happy Sunday/Spring! (although I'm sure many of you are experiencing the stormy gross weather in the midwest/east coast with me. Spring is laughing at us, guys.)
Anonymous said…
Hope you all are having a beautiful Sunday!
Amber Nicole said…
i love link ups!! I discover so many great bloggers! :)
It's a beautiful day here in east Texas, hope you're all having a great Sunday!
Unknown said…
My favourite day of the week, and it's sunny today so that makes it even better!!
This is such a great hop. And the rules are so easy... I just wish people would make a greater effort to follow them....
Treebytheriver said…
Love this blog hop. Can't wait to find some good blogs!
Yay for blog hops! Sunday is the BEST day---a lot of people are just laying around relaxing from the weekend!
Yay for blog hops! Sunday is the BEST day---a lot of people are just laying around relaxing from the weekend!
Test said…
My first Sunday Hop!
Rachel said…
Happy Sunday!!!!
Caleb said…
My first Sunday comment-super-do lots of comments- day. Fun!

Are you supposed to visit the people above this comment list or those blogs listed above yours?

F it. I'll just do both!

Happy Sunday!

Create With Joy said…
Hope you have a lovely week Vic - this is one of my favorite places to visit!


happy sunday & happy sprinnggg everyone!

The Knight Life said…
Happy Hopping! Looking forward to making lots of new bloggy friends today!
happy sunday!

Stay Sweet,
Amanda said…
First time doing this blog hop! Hope everyone enjoys what's left of the weekend... I know I am! =)

Becky McNeer said…
Happy Sunday!! Can't believe how quickly the weekend flew by!
Unknown said…
love this hop and love FTLOB and all you do for our community!!!
Unknown said…
Happy weekend friends! Hope you all had a wonderful Sunday!

I have no idea how I just found this blog/site, but how cool :) I'm about to wrap it up for the night, so why not try! I don't blog hop often, so hopefully I don't mess this up. Have a wonderful week! XO, Kelly
TriGirl said…
Great hop today! I met some lovely people, found some great new sites, and got a few new followers!! Thanks ladies!
Unknown said…
Found an awesome blog through this today.

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