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It's Comment Love Day

Good Morning Sunshines. This week we are bringing back comment love day, In between The Album. The album is hosted once a month. If you have photographs throughout the month that you share such as wordless wednesday, a 365 project, etc; The Album is for you, link those posts so we can see. We encourage everyone to take a moment to look at the album and visit some friends. There are some awesome photographs!
With our hectic schedules, I like to set aside a day to do some much needed comment love. It's nice to receive comments and although we may be reading posts throughout the week, sometimes it's just impossible to comment on every one of them. Sundays are perfect for catching up.


As many of you know, we have NO rules for our Hops-EXCEPT this one!

In order to participate you MUST FOLLOW THE RULES-it's not nice when someone gets left out!
IF YOU DON'T-I will DELETE your ENTRY Right Away-


2.) Head to the person's Blog who left a COMMENT in front of YOURS! Leave them a Nice Comment!

3.) Visit 2-3 Other Blogs in this HOP and Leave some COMMENT LOVE!


5.) RETURN the LOVE!



Datssocute said…
Happy Sunday Friends! I hope you all have a beautifully blessed day! ♥ BJ
AubrieAnne said…
Goodness! I have been offline for a while, but it is nice to strat back with comment love day!:)
Kelly Marie said…
I linked up :) Hope everyone has a great day!
What a great way to put it Vic - I've been super busy this week with projects and for sure needed this (lazy) Sunday to play catch up with my blog friends. TJ is out of the house (meaning - no NHL Center Ice buzzing in my ears) and Brutus is actually snuggling with me today so we're looking forward to checking in with everyone :)
Alely said…
it's a beautiful sunday here in the queen city! hoping it is where you are.

make it a loveLee one!
Beth said…
Today is not my favorite day (just today, February 27). I am at work until 3:00 and tired as "all-get-out".

I am still sort of "peppy" though!

Have a lovely Sunday all!
I love comment love day!! Have a great Sunday you lovely FTLOB ladies :) Hope everyone else relaxes their butts off today. Mine is already starting to go numb!
Happy Sunday everyone!! Hope you all enjoy a bit of a lazy day :-)
Joining in the the fun today :) Sunday's are FANTASTIC! love em!
b. lee said…
* * happy snuggle bug sUndaY * *
meghan said…
Hi! I've just joined your community and am excited to play along today!
OKinUK said…
I just ate tacos!
Morgan said…
The sun is out and all that sounds good is staying inside and keeping company with the lot of you...except for a coffee trip first! Happy laz-ahee Sunday all!
Unknown said…
happy sunday everyone! hope your weather is just as nice as mine :)
peace. love. create.
Danielle Leal said…
I hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday!
Much love,
Liz said…
I love comment love! Glad to be part of a fabulous network of bloggers...yeah!
Leslie said…
I'm so excited to be a part of comment love. Thanks!!
Randi S said…
What a fun idea! Love it!
Carlin said…
I love this idea! Thanks for coming up with it and letting me be a part!
Happy Sunday loves! Can't wait to hop around and read what you all have been up to this week! :)
xxx mervi
Jodi said…
I've fallen behind w/ blogging this week and hoped to catch up this weekend but got really sick! Today I'm laying in bed all day and this is a great hop for me to play along with today!!
LOVE comment love day! What a great way to castch up with other blogs in a relevant way! :) I am really getting tired of all the "new follower - visit me" posts on my blog lately saying absolutely NOTHING about the post they comment in! RUDE!!!

Thank you ladies for having this! Off to comment & share the love!
purple moonbeam said…
It feels like ages since I last linked up for comment love day! Looking forward to reading some great blogs :)
Unknown said…
Happy Sunday lovely blogger friends!!
Alyssa said…
I love comment day! Super fun!!
Katherina said…
Hello everyone!
I hope you all have a Happy sunday!

Colie said…
Just linked up and I'm about to go share some love........
Shay said…
So happy to be participating today after a break from blog land- can't wait to read some new blogs!
Unknown said…
Happy Sunday all, lovin the comment love!!
Hockey Wife said…
Happy Sunday! Anyone else looking forward to Brothers & Sisters tonight? Fingers crossed there's a new episode!
Krista said…
Happy Sunday! Can someone please tell me how to put a button in my post when I link up somewhere? Thanks a bunch!!! I am a newbie to all of this blog stuff.
Trina M Curran said…
haha! I love the kitty picture. And I LOVE comments. :)
Vanessa said…
have a great sunday everyone :)
Lauren said…
this is a lot of fun, i'm playing along. :) have a happy sunday everyone!
Anonymous said…
This is genius! I love FTLOB :]
O. said…
what a fun idea!
Angela Brian said…



Sherri said…
Happy beautiful Sunday, beautiful bloggy friends:)
Riley said…
Yayyy I love comment love day! :) Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!
Renae said…
What a fun day!! I'm so happy to see comment love! Happy Sunday lovelies!
-Mallori said…
Happy Comment Love Day!

Hope everyone has had a relaxing weekend!

Ixy said…
Hi everyone! Just linked up - I'm a newbie so hopefully doing this right :)
Unknown said…
Yay! Hope everyone has an awesome Sunday, I will be stopping by everyone's blogs throughout the day! See you all there!
Thank you again for the lovely hostessing you do over at FTLOB! I am brewing my cup of coffee, and settling in for a few good blog reads!

Missy said…
I hope everyone has a WONDERIFIC rest of the weekend. Happy hopping, my Bloggy-buddies.
Victoria said…
Happy Sunday everybody!! Can't wait to meet a few more of you! I plan on spending the majority of my day snuggling in bed, how bout you?
Ashley said…
Happy Sunday friends! xoxo
As always- FTLOB has the best blog hops!!! THANK YOU!!!!
Branson said…
so glad this one is back :)
Unknown said…
Happy Sunday! I love participating in all the blog hops here at FTLOB! I hope everyone is enjoying a relaxing Sunday!
Susi said…
Hello people! It's been a nice relaxing day here, hope yours have been the same. Unfortunately I couldn't comment on the blog before mine, since it required registration at I commented on Ashley plus 3 instead. Maybe I should get an account there for another time.
SAD! No one has commented back on my page..... :(
Megan said…
This sounds like a fun idea! Thanks for letting me join in!
Patty said…
Hope it's a relaxing Sunday for all you lovelies! Playing catch-up here and watching time fly by on my one day off even though I got up realllllly early just to make the day last longer...sigh!


Megan said…
Alexis of NorthOnHarper, perhaps you're not getting comments because you blog is set up that you must be logged in to leave a comment. I don't have a WP account, so I couldn't leave you a comment. Sorry!
So sorry for missing the comment here!! Trying this again, so glad to be here and left comments on some great blogs!

Anyway, trying this again because this is a great idea and I want to participate. Thanks ladies at FTLOB!! Sending you lots of love!

Ms. Blasé said…
I am up to my eyeballs in blog hops this weekend :) This sounds fun!
Unknown said…
You ladies are wonderful...I love this site because I have found some amazing blogs through it!
Anonymous said…
Alexis, couldn't you change the settings so that people don't have to have a account to comment?
Meri said…
What a great hop- commenting is one of my favorite parts of blogging! Happy Oscar Sunday everybody :)
Thanks FTLOB!
Treebytheriver said…
Always love your blog hops! Happy blogging!
sarah said…
Thanks FTLOB, it's been a great first week. I love these blog hops!
Have a great Sunday, everyone!
Thank you for the opportunity to link with Comment Love Day. Happy Sunday!
Jessica said…
Happy Comment Love day!
Rachel Parker said…
Very excited about comment day! This is my FIRST one :)
I changed to setting--- can receive comments now... thanks!
Anonymous said…
Hope you have a good day!! :)
Megan said…
A great way to spread some love! Happy Sunday!
Who else is ready for spring? :) Enjoy your week everyone!
Heather M said…
Hey guys!!!! I hope that the weekend was awesome!! Its back to reality for me in the AM BLAH!!!!!!!!!!
That kitty is so cute. I should find a pet shop and go visit some kittens.

Everyone loves a giveaway
I linked up! I can't wait to read and comment on some new blogs!
The Knight Life said…
Hey, hey! Felt a bit off this week, and hoping that the coming week will be great (especially since we can kick it off with comment love)!!!
ashley said…
It's Monday here in Oz! Hope you all had a great weekend! Sitting back and checking some blogs now x
what a cute meme! glad i'm able to join in on the fun!! here i go exploring others blogs!! ;)
Stephanie said…
Yay! Now it's time to search some lovely bloggers. =]
PG said…
Done Done Done! Time to blog hop :D
Anonymous said…
Had to step away from the PC for kid duty and then forgot to comment here before cruising off to comment elsewhere...

Love this concept and I'm excited to link up to some great websites and creativity!!
Anonymous said…
Happy comment love day everybody ♥
Ross said…
Hope everyones having a great day! Enjoy checking out some sights! Show some love to all the other bloggers out there!
Shah Wharton said…
Damn it - I always forget this and its my fave. Oh well - better late than never. ;D Shah. X
Karen Dawkins said…
Just linked up. Thank you so much for "sharing the love." :)
Have a fabulous day, everyone!!!
I keep saying this but I love your blog! Always such interesting ways to hooking us all up! xx
Courtney J. said…
It's not Sunday anymore but I absolutely love the blog hop! Hope everyone has a great week. Happy Monday!
Alex said…
Hope everyone had a great weekend. My first week joining you all looking forward to meeting some new bloggers.

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