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Fab Friends Friday

Hello friends, TGIF! I don't know about you but I'm ready for the weekend. It's supposed to be cold and rainy where we are so I can't wait to curl up with a blanket and cup of joe and head out and meet some fab friends. Today we'd like you to meet the following awesome blogs. Please head over and introduce yourself.

Photobucket TheTaleofTwoTaylors

Before you get going on making some fab friends, take some time to look around at all that's going on here, there are so many ways to get involved. Be sure to vote for blog of the month, the poll is up!

Happy Friday! XO



Happy Friday darlings! Today we're moving to a new office - yay! And my mum is coming to stay with us for a couple of days :) So lots of fun ahead this coming weekend!
xxx mervi
Susi said…
That was very early to close the Friday list??? Is someone living in Australia??
Patty said…
Oh my! Got up, grabbed my coffee, headed here and missed the list! Well, Happy Friday to all you lovely people, have a great day!!

Ms. Sarah said…
Happy Friday to you. Ours is almost done.
Oh wow, I missed the list and it's only 8am?

Well, happy friday to all the lovley blogs that stop by today!

Ashley said…
Aw, thanks guys! :)
Unknown said…
happy happy friday everyone! hope your weekends are fabulous :)
peace. love. create.
b. lee said…
* * happy flippin' fresh FRIDAY bloggy pals * *
Susi said…
Happy weekend, folks!!
Anonymous said…
Woohoo! So happy it's Friday :)
Colie said…
Happy Friday!!! I think I messed up the link to my blog above. I'd blame pregnancy brain but I haven't breen pregnant for 4 years so it was sheer stupidity.

Hope you'll stop by anyways!
Sara Strand said…
Happy Friday! My Dear Sara post won't be up until 7pm (central).. FYI. :)
Unknown said…
It's the weekend!!! Almost... THANK goodness! Happy linking friends!
-Mallori said…
Happy Friday everyone! I hope you all have a fantastic weekend!
Morgan said…
The sun is out, there's no snow plus it's Friday! Everyone enjoy a super fantabulous day!
Happy Fab Friday! Thank God for the weekend! Good Friends-and Good Blogs! lol
Danielle Leal said…
Happy Friday lovelies! I hope you all have a fabulous day!!! Much love to you all!!
sarah said…
Happy Friday everyone! I'm new here and loving seeing all of your blogs! Have a relaxing weekend :)
ropcorn said…
Thank you again for this wonderful Linky list. I have added your button to my new Blog Hop Page. And I'm already a follower here. :-)

Take care,
Missy said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Missy said…
Happy Friday! I love your blog! I am following you now!

Liz said…
I love weekends! Daddy gets to be home (and change the diapers!)

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