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Featured Blog: Carrie With Children

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For The Love of Blogs Introduces Carrie With Children

My entire life I never thought I'd be a mom ...I'm about as tomboy as you can get.  I loved sports, I hated dresses, I hated shopping for clothes and I didn't even like the color pink. The day I became a mom to Maggie and Molly, all of that changed (except for the sports thing).  Yep...the tomboy ended up with two girls.  Now, I love for my girls to wear dresses, I don't mind clothes shopping (for them) and I'm finally coming around to liking the color pink. 

Isn't it funny how everything you thought you knew changes once you are a mom.  Suddenly, what *you* want/like/dislike doesn't matter anymore - it's all about what your children wants/likes/dislikes!  Some moms may think that's the wrong thing to do, but for's exactly the right thing to do.  I've decided to suck it up and embrace the things my inner tomboy dislikes. 

With my site, Carrie with Children, I enjoy sharing positive stories about my adventures of a stay at home mom. My girls are 20 months apart in age, so there is never a dull moment in my house. Maggie is two years old and Molly was born in June 2010 with Down Syndrome. Things get hectic, stressful and busy for our family (just like everyone else's) but I've chosen to enjoy those moments. There's no need to be down and negative about it - might as well cherish them as learning opportunities. I'd love for you to follow along with me on my journey through being a mom.

A Special Thanks to Carrie for Being a Part of our Community.

Now. Here at For The Love of Blogs, we are dedicated to showing as much love to each of our members. Head over to Carrie With Children and leave her some sincere comments.

Each Full Feature Post will also be a Fun Filled Comment DAY. Here's What You'll do. After Leaving a comment HERE, Visit Today's Feature leaving her an authentic comment and Then Come Back for More Comment Love. Leave the person in front and below your comment a nice comment on their blogs. And then visit more if you wish. If someone leaves you a lovely comment from here, please return the love. Be sure to tell them where your coming from. And Please------>No copy and pasted "Follow Me Back" comments. It's annoying. Be respectful and gain some amazing friends.

Don't forget to Nominate a Blog for Next Month.

Add your giveaways here.

Have a great Day.



The Regal Pup said…
I'm in the market for some new blogs to follow, and friends to make! :) Thanks for the feature.... heading to Carrie's blog now!
craftycam said…
What a great feature. Heading over there now:) thanks! Have a Nice Thanksgiving everyone.
Ashley said…
Yay, so looking forward to getting to know Carrie!
Jenifer Metzger said…
You have beautiful little girls. What a blessing from God! I am headed over to check out your blog now. Blessings to you!
Jamie Rubeis said…
Already a follower of Carrie! Love her blog!
Alida Sharp said…
On my way over to check her out! Thanks!
Love Carrie, she has two of the cutest girls.
Unknown said…
Great way to give <3
thanks for the pass along i'll head on over there!
Following you from the Tuesday Blog hop -- 1 day late!
Unknown said…
NEWEST follower threw a blog hop!

Great blog!

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