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New This Week: Show Us Your Blog

Helllllo Bloggers! Welcome to FTLOB. If you're new here, how about some helpful tips to get your blog journey started. I'm heading out of the home to work again. I need to really get out and explore people interaction. The thing about me is that I love people, places and things but I also love being alone! So I go through spurts of either! Today, I wanted to grab some fresh new bloggers who might need a little help getting started, ask questions about anything you have a concern for and we'll be here to check out your  links and answer | interact with you!

What we want to help you with:

1.) Blog Design | Headers | Buttons | Layouts : feel free to ask us for FREE assistance, we'll be happy to voice our opinions. And other bloggers, jump in to with your expertise.

2.) What works for you. We have busy schedules and if you're not sure if blogging is right for you, let's talk about it!

3.) Growth. FTLOB has helped hundreds of bloggers become a popular blog. Comment and let us know if you want more exposure!

4.) Finding your Niche. Everyone in the beginning may be lost. What's lost is not broken. Find your niche and if you want to chat about how that works, leave a comment below!

What we want to see on your blogs:

1.) Your very first post. Go to the very beginning and post a comment with the link, so we can check it out. We will then scroll through to your newest post and see where (if any) you need help!

2.) Consistency. It's important as a blogger to show consistent posting. Often times its hard but you can schedule posts and prep to get them out every single day!

3.) Who you are! The very first thing I want to see when I stumble across your blog is who are you??!!! I better know you within a few seconds or you're in trouble. Readers want to know exactly who you are not what all the ads are on a blog! I will specifically help you with showing yourself off if you need. Just leave me a comment below.

Basically, it's great to show off your blogs and get some feedback. Don't be ashamed, offended or scared, we're here to help you and support your growth in blogging. Because if I've learned anything, it's the support of others that help you survive.


Alice said…
I love this idea! I have a mixture of blog posts and topics, this is my first post:

I'd love to know the ways I can gain a few more readers. I find sometimes it's hard to post content that's relatable and things people want to read, because I don't get much feedback. I use Instagram as my main form of social media!
Blogs said…
Your blog is great! A few things I'd suggest are an 'About Me' page, I hadn't noticed one on your site. Also, instagram is wonderful but I think we get more readers through twitter and Pinterest if you're wanting more readers. I'd adjust your photos to all be about the same size almost as your post width, if you know what I mean. Other than that, get more posts going and you'll soar!

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