there's a lot that i wish i could do with my personal blog to make it better but the truth is, i can't.....or perhaps i don't know how to and so i wanted to share these few tips that will possibly make your blogs better because i know it's kinda hard to do in such a big world!
1.) Be Creative. I have a hard time creating artsy posts and therefore I suck! But a thing that I've noticed is that a lot of creativity goes a long way when you're blogging. When posting, drive in your readers by entertaining them. Act as if you are in person with them and they're a guest in your home. Your blog is your territory, welcome them with party favors each time they visit!
2.) Post Pictures. I know I've mentioned this before but pictures are the life of the party! In posting photos, make sure they are clear and appealing, post according to size; for ex: if the width of your main layout is 700, re-size the pics in an editing software to be 640 spacing in the center to give it an even, full look! And guests want to see what your life is about via visualization! I can't stress that enough.
3.) Social Network. If you don't get way involved in twitter, it is the number one social media site that generates traffic to your blogs along side with pinterest! This will give you the readers you're looking for and if you don't follow similar blogs on twitter, then how are they supposed to find you? They will follow you back if you follow them. Success works like clockwork. Follow blogs you are interested in and they shall follow too. Here's a good twitter post that will get you going.
4.) Post DIY's and How to's. Up until recently I had no idea how to do this but I am still learning and I actually notice quite a difference in traffic. You create your own diy's and how to's, share what you know and then share on social media to create a better you! your blog will flourish! Help others too.
5.) Post A Lot. My last tip was going to be you! But you already are yourself and I'll just share what I know has helped me when trying to grow! Post a lot. We used to say, post as often as you'd like but I've learned over the past year that posting multiple times throughout the day will gain traffic. Now posting just to post is dull. Post and create enough to actually be interesting and you'll really have a better blog! True.
what has helped you to a better blog? share your success in the comments please!!!
1.) Be Creative. I have a hard time creating artsy posts and therefore I suck! But a thing that I've noticed is that a lot of creativity goes a long way when you're blogging. When posting, drive in your readers by entertaining them. Act as if you are in person with them and they're a guest in your home. Your blog is your territory, welcome them with party favors each time they visit!
2.) Post Pictures. I know I've mentioned this before but pictures are the life of the party! In posting photos, make sure they are clear and appealing, post according to size; for ex: if the width of your main layout is 700, re-size the pics in an editing software to be 640 spacing in the center to give it an even, full look! And guests want to see what your life is about via visualization! I can't stress that enough.
3.) Social Network. If you don't get way involved in twitter, it is the number one social media site that generates traffic to your blogs along side with pinterest! This will give you the readers you're looking for and if you don't follow similar blogs on twitter, then how are they supposed to find you? They will follow you back if you follow them. Success works like clockwork. Follow blogs you are interested in and they shall follow too. Here's a good twitter post that will get you going.
4.) Post DIY's and How to's. Up until recently I had no idea how to do this but I am still learning and I actually notice quite a difference in traffic. You create your own diy's and how to's, share what you know and then share on social media to create a better you! your blog will flourish! Help others too.
5.) Post A Lot. My last tip was going to be you! But you already are yourself and I'll just share what I know has helped me when trying to grow! Post a lot. We used to say, post as often as you'd like but I've learned over the past year that posting multiple times throughout the day will gain traffic. Now posting just to post is dull. Post and create enough to actually be interesting and you'll really have a better blog! True.
what has helped you to a better blog? share your success in the comments please!!!