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How to Maximize your Blog Time

it's rather frustrating when life starts to pile up and interfere with our blogs, eh?! i mean this is our baby, right?!!! no, not really? ok!...... let's help maximize your time because we all know that time goes by way too fast in one day to get all we need to get done, done!!!!

work, family and writing a blog is important to us and we sometimes have to figure out how to love them all and keep an equilibrium between them.

some days are easier than others but if we plan ahead, we'll get the most for our leisure:

1.) Set Goals. I used to be a 'go with the flow' type of blogger but as I get more involved with more things in my life, I have to really think ahead and situate my priorities. So I set goals. One of my most recent goals is to post more! In order to post more, I'd need to get the most out of my time blogging which led to this post! For each thing you have planned for this week, I want you to set a new goal for next week and make every effort to follow through.

2.) Keep a Notebook just for Blog Post Ideas. How crazy is it to wake up and forget what you wanted to post about because you didn't write it down. I've had plenty of, "I'll Blog About That Tomorrow" or "I'll Tweet to That," and when you actually get a minute to post, the mind went a farting and you completely forgot what the hell your amazing post was supposed to be about. Log at least ten thoughts to have enough posts to actually post about. Saves time and brain cells.

3.) Prepare Scheduled Posts & Drafts! I don't know how important this tip is!!!! That one day will come where you THANK YOUR DRAFT.

4.) Offer Guest Bloggers. This will give you a chance to breathe in between your own posts and the life outside of your blog. Guest Blogging is great because you need a break! Tweet and put it out there. Let them write for you!

5.) Set an Alarm. Sounds silly but this helps me because I always have my phone on me but rarely my laptop. If there is a time during your day that you know you'll have a free moment, set the alarm to remind you to prep a blog post at that time. I use my phone alarm for appointments and picking people up, coffee dates and now ideas and blog posting. My alarm kept going off with the name of the alarm being, "Breast Feeding Post!" Because I wanted to write about how my mom breast fed me back in the 80's, funny story but I needed a reminder because I knew I'd forget to share the story, LOL! set alarms.......

6.) Some of us make coffee dates, dinner dates and to be honest; we all need blog dates! Make a date with your blog friends!!!!

7.) Prioritize. If your blog is really important and you want it to grow, give up a few less important things to get the most of your blogging time! Our first e-course stated, "Sometimes a blog is like a full time job!" and it really is. It takes a lot of dedication and time, so prioritize what's more important throughout the day.

8.) Relax. It's going to be fine.

9.) Become Apace. Hey, no one likes to sit in one spot for hours. Learn how to type a little quicker and also proof read before hitting the publish button. Don't be sloppy, just more efficient. This is something you have to teach yourself and you'll figure it out the more you blog.

10.) Visualize. Think about how you want your blog to be and create it before you even sit down to write a new post. Good and Frequent Posts come from how you see it.

These are just a few things that help me get the most of my bloggy time. It's consuming but it doesn't have to be draining! One way or another, we will tackle the time we have in a day! Share some of the things that help you below!!      


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