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Fun Posts: My First Post

Hello RadNess! Well it's Monday already and we don't really have a scheduled Hop to go out today because we're working on some new blog hops for you to enjoy! We thought you'd like to share your very first post since most of our readers are never around for the beginning anyways, let's take a path down memory lane, shall we.

Here's the deal:

Linky tools slows us down sometimes and I've noticed that it's been a hassle to link up lately, So

1.) Provide Your Very First Post Link here in a comment.
2.) Share how you've changed since then, the thought that went in behind the post and what you would do different if you could go in and edit that very first post.
3.) Head Over to others' first post and see how much they've changed since they've grown a bit. Leave comments and share stories.

Looking forward to reading.


Anonymous said…
Hi! Here is a link to my first post...

I'm still a new blogger so I'm learning every day, but one thing I probably would have done differently would be to have written it using my own voice, and not so formal.

I think I'm slowly learning, especially by reading others blogs, to use my own voice and be more open!

I hope y'all are having a great day!
Anonymous said…
Happy Monday! I'm celebrating my first blogiversary this week, so this is perfect timing!

My first post is here:

I think if I could change it, I would add some more content about me, with a picture or something. I was a little apprehensive about the whole blogging thing, and I think that shows in my beginning posts.
Anonymous said…
First posts - this is a brilliant idea!
My first post was about Lies, how I was good at it and how it didn't serve me anymore, that it was time to change:

I have improved, I let others have a voice in my blog, which is definitely much more interesting than talking on my own and I concentrates on how I can inspire others from my personal experience and ideas.

Looking forward reading great First posts tonight!
Robyn said…
I wrote my first post - a welcoming post- in March 2010. Not that long ago-but it seems a long time ago.

I used to spend days writing posts and only published about 3 a month-now each post is shorter but I write more frequently. I think my blog has become more of a diary, and it is more personal than the start. It is nice to go back and read old adventures!
Abi said…
Hey yall!
I went back to look at my first post & here it is:

It's actually kind of boring O.o My original plan for my blog, when I started it in 2009 was to just talk about photography. period. It's funny how within time I really, really got into my blog & when I started having other bloggers follow my journey with my felt so incredibly nice! :)

When I look at my first couple of posts & how much my life & my photography has changed!! Wow! I myself, can't even believe it. Can't wait to see how much I grow & how much my little blog grows too.
Test said…
My first post is here:

It's the birth story of my first birth! Originally the blog was all about my son but I eventually opened it up more about my journey as a homemaker.
Jymi said…
My first post:

Was very simple, with a pic and a sentence. I began with a pic and found words for them. Now, I allow myself to write and then add a picture. I don't think I would change any of it. I read through my blog and can see my growth. At one point I deleted everything on my blog because of someone else in my life not wanting me to "be so open." But, um, well that person is no longer in my life and actually gave me fuel to grow. Thanks for the chance to share...
Oh how times have changed! My pictures are so dark and there are few words at all about the recipe.

I'm happy that I've grown so much :) This will be a fun post, I can't wait to see everyone's.
Metch said…
Our first post... All that comes to mind is- WOW!

We never had a definite plan for the blog except to share the sordid details of our lives and acting careers... yep we are still doing that and we've added a few more tabs and we have a web series going and we even have followers and now there is a handsome new baby in our lives... so much can happen in a little more than a year... COME VISIT US!
liz said…
my first post:

since starting my blog almost 3 years ago ive learned a few things about html coding, layout, and blog style... but my tone has basically stayed the same and i still post about completely random things as i happen upon them.
Aunie said…
Here's my first LastLash post link:

Wow. That post went up a little less than a year ago. Were I to change it, I would have taken better photos! But I write what I am feeling at the time... so I really wouldn't change it. At the time I was severely suffering from trichotillomania and I needed help. Blogging is such a great resource!
Lorna said…
Happy Monday, all!

This is my first post, posted August '2010:

One difference is I've turned 30, put the humour and pitch of the blog is still the same!

Heidi said…
Hi everybody! Here is the link to my very first post, in April 2010:

Truth be told, not much has changed with my blog; I am still writing about and photographing my daily life and my family.

I love the the picture in this first post.
Becs said…
What a great idea! Here is the link to my first post:

I spent ages writing it and am actually still pretty happy with it. I would add a photo, though, and it strikes me now it would have been good to talk about what my blog was about.....but I actually didn't know that it would become all about photography as I was still feeling my way. It just felt like such a big leap!

Looking forward to reading everyone else's too!
 Curly J said…

My first post:

Although this was only written last month, I feel like I have improved and changed to some degree. I'm slowly finding my own voice and discovering how I want my posts to come across: as REAL.

I still feel the same as I wrote in my post. However, looking back was a really good reminder at where I started and to just KEEP GOING, and not give up even though it gets really tough sometimes (like today).

Looking forward to reading everyone's first posts tonight!
Unknown said…
I started my blog because I was sick of facebook. I wanted to share more personally with my friends..and you know, I still don't have a personal facebook page!

My first post is really boring, but started off a great journey.
Unknown said…
Hello Vic,
After suggestions from relatives etc. I finally started a blog with a poem that summed up my life for almost 47 years:- I did not know much about Blogging then but I have certainly learnt a lot over these months. Learning never ends so I know there is so much more to learn. I have also learnt a lot from your Blog. Take care and have a good week.
WOW! Did this take me back, thanks for the great idea.

My first post was made Sept 19, 2008. I talked about cool September mornings, and why my horse is so special to me.

I have to admit, I have strayed from my original form, which, in MHO, what I need to get back to. I've tried a few different things with my blog, such as hops, giveaways and even selling items. All of which don't fit in with my niche. I've been pretty disappointed in myself lately, and am going to work to get back to my original posting style.
Rachel said…
Fun! Ok my first post was really bad! I didnt know anything about blogging at all! I just wrote because I had just moved and wanted to keep in touch with friends and family back home. Later, I learned more about blogging and adding pictures and how to do everything and my blog became a lot more creative!

Here it is:
Treebytheriver said…
My first post is titled just so and shows how excited I am at starting a blog. Looking back I probably should have put a picture in but my thoughts remain the same. i am very glad I was named after a tree.

If you wanted to know why I am "tree" you should also check it out.
Emily said…
This is great - because I am always reevaluating why I post on my very little blog - here is the link to my first post:

I started my blog a few weeks after I got married and was hoping to document our first year of marriage. In a sense I do capture those memories - and I am continuously trying to find my place in the blogging community. Pop over and say hello.
callie said…
i love this! and i love my first post, i don't think i would change a thing about it! its kind of hilarious just the way it is! im still a newbie to the blog world, but i think ive came a long way from my first post! check it out!
Unknown said…
Hehehe... I just realized - my very first post was EXACTLY 5 year ago, on 11/14/06! Crazy - and what a time warp:

At the time, I'd been married all of three months, was in my first post-college job and finding balance with that and a new slew of grad school classes. And I was missing my cat (which I had to leave with my parents since my "new" husband is allergic), so I was volleying for a new one. Now... wow... we own a house, I have a career, our "puppy cat" is 4 years old, and five years of marriage under our belts. Crazy!
Tiffany said…
My first post was about becoming a mother to my little girl, which is the purpose to my blog.

I wouldn't change a thing about this post, as it was written completely from my heart.
Sarah Sequins said…
Here's my first post:

The biggest thing that's changed about the blog is that I'm posting more than once a week. When I started out, I wasn't sure I'd like blogging, which makes me laugh now!

The biggest thing that's changed about me is that I've gotten more concise with my writing.

And if I do the post over again? The only thing I'd do is make it more concise. I've done everything I outlined in the first post, so I guess that means I set a good map for myself! :)
Unknown said…
Our first post at Truly Lovely was one year ago THIS month!

Basically it was a description of what we hoped Truly Lovely would become plus the dedication of our blog to our sweet little Granny that we lost just a few months prior. There is NOT one thing I would change about that post! It was and still is a perfect starting point for us.
Laura said…
This is great timing for this link up, as my little sister started her blog last night, so I was bopping around some of the blogs I follow to see their first posts. - my first ever post!

I actually really like my first post! It's for sure my voice and it's interesting to see what I thought my blog would evolve into. I wish I'd used a few different words, and understood how to put links in, but other than that, it's perfect. And I've even written a little bit about books and food like I thought I might.
Happy Monday to all - although it's already Tuesday morning in Singapore now!

My first post on August 23, 2011 was "Love Quotes" with some intro. Here it is >

I am still learning - especially to put words to my thoughts. It's quite scary that the whole world can hear what you think!

I've met wonderful people and made some fabulous friends. All you guys have made this a warm and welcoming place. I enjoy blogging and will continue to work towards posting something meaningful and useful for people who visit my blog.

Keep up your great work FTLOB!

Much love and gratitude to all,
Alida Sharp said…
Oh my it my first post from 6 years ago.
Samantha K said…
I don't know why writing my first post was terrifying, but it was. Overall I think I have stayed true to my vision, but I sure have questioned what they vision was a lot.
Yours Truly said…
Hello Everyone! Here is the link to my first ever post:

I feel that it was too formal. I should have talked about why I was starting a blog and maybe mentioned my name..? The whole blogging scene was very new to me then. It has been less than a year since I began "The Diary of a Mood Ring Girl", but I feel like I have matured as a blogger since March.

Check it out for yourself! Tell me what you think! :)
Unknown said…
My pilot post!

The first post I had with this blog, a transition from writing in spanish to doing it in english. Started as a travel / photography blog to continue writing about lifestyle, relationships and everything that entertains me.

Hop around and hope you like it :)
erinj0 said…
My Very First Post!

(Funny enough, my first post was about my first experience with acupuncture!)

My very first post was actually not an introduction post or anything, I just dove right into the blogging world! I suffer from a chronic illness and started this blog to share my frustrations and truthfully, as just something to do! It has evolved in being so much and just is a simple little blog that documents what I'm feeling, my thoughts, or emotions.

It might not always be the MOST interesting, but it's MY life. I love my blog :)

Stop on over & tell me what you think!
Carla said…
Here's the link to my first post

This was my intr to the blogging world. I just started blogging Feb 2011 so I'm still learning but I did start adding pictures and added the Follow by Email button for those non-tech friends who want to keep up but not join the site.
Tara said…
My first post :)

I'd had other blogs before this, but they were both very "focused" blogs (one is a travel blog, and the other is part of a website that I run about my city) and I wanted a place where I could feel comfortable just...writing. Posting whatever. Originally I was going to do outfit posts, but I quickly realized that wasn't exactly my strong suit. Nowadays I post recipes on a regular basis, do some reminiscing/advice posts, and just kind of write about daily life...and I enjoy it a lot more than I did when I first started and felt that I had to take pictures of the many not-so-great outfits that I put together ;)
Linda Jordan said…
Here is my first regular post:

[before that I did an intro post that I have edited A LOT since then]

I didn't really know where I was going with my blog back then & I still don't have it all figured out, but I definitely have a better idea!! Hope you like it :)
Really so nice blog dear. I like this blog.. its blog looking really so cool . this is real so good work.......
Nice blog.. Its very impressive & Appriciable.Keep it up.. Now you can live like Maharajas in their Palaces and Forts. Then relax in Goa, and enjoy your beach holidays in India.
Here is my first post:

Thanks for putting this on here for us to find new friends :)

2. I had another blog, but some mishaps came along. I have changed since my other blog as my life has became a little more private and so with this new blog of mine.

Anonymous said…
This is embarrassing but here is a link to my first post

I've gotten better at using my voice in writing and not being so all over the place :)
Also being encouraging and hopeful in my writing style. If that makes sense?

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