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Featured Blog: Africa, My Africa

Hi! I’m Robyn and I’m posting from Kampala, Uganda on my blog Africa, My Africa.
So, here I am, in Uganda, for now.  I have lived a bit of a nomadic lifestyle (having lived in Bahrain, Gibraltar, Kuwait and Scotland) and have an ‘international’ accent, but I dreamt of Africa and somehow I knew I would end up here and I love it! At the moment I am not sure if I’ll ever be able to leave!

Kissing in Kidepo National Park, Uganda
But I am leaving Uganda. After living here for nearly two years, I will be kissing good friends goodbye and making promises to visit soon.  My journey of life needs to continue, but in Africa I must stay so I have decided that Nairobi will be my next home. Love was taking me there and even though the love between the African Adventurer and I didn’t last, my love for Kenya remains and to Nairobi I will go.
The sun setting over the Masai Mara, Kenya.
This is my story and these are my adventures. My running tales, my safari stories, community development projects, the 'w' thing is sometimes mentioned (!), accounts on life in Africa and my stories of friendship, love and heartache. I sometimes shake my head, laugh out loud or shed a tear at some of the choices that I have made, but that is all part of a colourful life. 

I had never really heard of a blog until last year. I used to make scrapbooks. It started as a way for me to keep in touch with friends and family, but now it is much more than that. I remember the day I decided to make my blog ‘public’ and how nervous I felt – now I feel part of a global community.

Thanks for being part of that community and letting me share Africa, My Africa with you!


Anonymous said…
I've ALWAYS wanted to visit Africa and I've only dreamt of traveling and living in different countries. :)

Oh Jazmyn
Barb said…
Wow - sounds like you have an interesting life. I hope to visit Africa one day. I'll be visiting yor blog for sure!
wow! what an amazing life, and so inspiring! I think that you can never know yourself truly until you've known and connected with others you never could have imagined. excited for your stories!

-Heather from
Donny said…
Wow, what an amazing coincidence! I was in Kampala just a few weeks ago, staying at the Emmaus Guest House for a night before moving on to Northwestern Tanzania. I'm glad your blog was featured, can't wait to read more of your ventures!
Patty said…
Beautifully written post about an incredible lifestyle! Can't wait to visit your blog and read more!

Congrats on being featured!
Bri said…
I have always wanted to go to Africa and your photos make me long to go!!!!
The way you describe Africa makes me want to pack up everything move on out!
TriGirl said…
So that's what you look like :) You're such a great blogger and leave good comments :D Congrats on the feature!
Hockey Wife said…
Those pictures gave me the chills! I can't even imagine living there - what an incredible experience!
Ross said…
Your blog is great! Your life seems like quite the adventure! I hope to read more about your adventures, as you continue living life to its fullest.
Robyn said…
Thank you fellow bloggers for all the lovely comments. Funny to see my wee blog (and me!) featured. (ross and trigirl-always nice to hear from you!)
Unknown said…
How exciting to be able to travel and live all over the world!!! Sounds like an interesting read for sure!!

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