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featured blog: Serenity & Style

Hello!! I'm Mary Nevin. Yes I go by both names, my parents are southern and creative. Serenity & Style is my blog that follows my adventures as I try to find my place and purpose in this world. I'm 25, I live in Atlanta and love to explore and write about this beautiful city. I live here with my wonderful boyfriend who I refer to as the frenchman, and yes, he is french :) 
 I currently work as a nanny because I adore kids and in college I chose the interesting yet idealistic major of Peace and Conflict Studies. Now while I loved my major, the subject does not bring home anything more than poverty level wages, at least in these parts. So I'm looking into grad school and interning at various places in between my epic days as a nanny to the amazing Baby N.
I talk about many topics on my blog, both light hearted and serious. In my short life, I have overcome some immense challenges. I've lost over 115 pounds and am very much in the midst of the journey of self acceptance and a healthy body image. I've also recently taken up running(after swearing I would never run unless someone was chasing me) and I hope to run my first half marathon this Thanksgiving. I chose this goal for many reasons, main one being if I can run..literally anyone can.

I'm also in recovery from Alcoholism. I've been sober almost 2 years, and while this journey of recovery is one I never expected to take. I am so blessed to have the willingness to embrace recovery and to choose to walk through my struggles and live an authentic life. Good, Bad and Everything in Between.

I really love to eat, especially sweets in any form, so cooking is a frequent topic on the blog. I've worked in several bakeries and am currently interning with Atlanta's Biggest Food Festival, A Taste of Atlanta. Basically that job is my heaven on earth. I also love to ramble on about Art, Books, Movies, TV, Fashion, Pinterest, Cover Songs, Etsy, and much much more.
I love being inspired by all the amazing people in the blogosphere! Stop my blog, check out my shenanigans so that I can learn from you! Love & Light!!



Patty said…
You are amazing! I give you much credit for your wonderful accomplishments!

Congrats on being featured...looking forward to visiting your blog!

Alex said…
Congrats for such a young age it sounds like you have a good head on your shoulder. Looking forward to reading more.

Mary Nevin said…
Thank you SO much!! I'm so excited to be featured!! :)
my3littlebirds said…
That is awesome! Can't wait to follow your blog. My name is Mary Lauren, and at (almost) 34 I still go by both names. And yes, my parents are both southern!
Pretty Things said…
You're such an inspiration to me for that weight loss. Congratulations!

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