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Featured Blog: House Unseen

She was a drama major with a nose-ring.  He was a classics major with a racing green Karmann Ghia.  She complimented him on his car.  He blew her off because she was stupid and obnoxious.  Obviously he was stuck-up and unfunny.  And so it was that for the entirety of freshman year, and the first semester of sophomore year at the University of Dallas, they harbored a mild disdain for one another which sometimes progressed to complete indifference but never improved past basic human civility.  But then they met again in Rome, and this time saw something different.  And got married and had four children.

Then they were ready for another adventure (because they are adventurous folk), so they bought a fixer-upper in beautiful southwest Michigan sight unseen off the internet for $27,000 cash, moved those four children out of southern California and embarked on an incredible new journey.

This blog is the very true story of how we, who got married too young and had kids too soon, found ourselves in a house with no electricity and no running water in the heat of the summer in place we'd never been in a house we'd never seen.  We, who are wacky and foolish and full of ideas, who have fallen in love with our new life and the amazing, kind new people in it, want to share our misadventures with all of you.  From the snakes in the walls to the frogs in the basement to deciding that we need a goat to go along with our chickens , I hope you'll enjoy our foray into the kind of life that we never imagined we would have, but are so thankful that we do.


TriGirl said…
Oh yay! My new friend is famous! Snakes in the walls??? Looks like I need to read some more of your older posts! Congrats on the feature Dweej!
Patty said…
Yayyyyy!! Dweej is someone else I Heart! Fabulous lady, fabulous blog!

Congrats on being featured you special lady!!

Sarah said…
Yay for drama majors with nose rings (we're the best kind, aren't we?)! LOVE your blog - so cute!
Bernie said…
Oh, how exciting!! I'm so pleased that you are a feature. Everyone loves your stuff. I know you are the only blog I ever read the whole archives for!
Oh my goodness y' I a total dork for commenting on this? I am just so super excited! And I don't even have a new post ready for today. Shame on me.

All of your comments are so sweet! Thank youuuuuuu :D
Anonymous said…
Dwija = the latest addition to the list of bloggers who I stalk. She thinks I'm kidding...
Jordan said…
Yay Dweej! One of my favorite reads! <3
OKinUK said…
A new read on my feed... Ever so thankful that somehow, we crashed into each other.
my3littlebirds said…
Yay for Dweej and House Unseen. Love this blog.
Oh my word...I better git to writin' then, huh?
Nina said…
Yay! Congrats Dweej!
Jennifer Kay said…
I love it when some of my regulars get a feature!!! Congrats Dweej!!
NonDomesticMama said…
Congrats Dwija! Very well deserved. :D
Unknown said…
Wow, and I thought I had an interesting story by moving from Cali to Idaho!

Reading through the stories, I'm smiling and laughing, and there with you. You paint pictures with your words very well.
haha i love how you both didnt like each other at all to begin with! love love love the blog!
Thank you so much Idaho (I will scrounge up your real name soon enough, mark my words ;) ) and Theresa :) I can't wait to share my new story with all of you!
Ixy said…
Yay!! Congrats on your feature :)
Unknown said…
Great story - I am looking forward to reading more!! My husband and I also had disdain for each other our first few years of college. We didn't start dating until about a year after he transferred to another college in a different state. I totally understand!!
Yay! Dweej and her blog rule the school!
I'm too school for cool, and that is the truff!
kiel said…
What a great love is yours
Unknown said…
What a fun concept!!! Leaving Cali. for a "farm" in Michigan!!! Can't wait to read more!
I love your story, I love that you took a leap of faith and made such a huge change in your life, and while it is all easy you are making it work.


webdesign said…
wow.. great love story..
non voice projects

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