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Featured Blog: the abundant life

Hey everyone. I'm Dana, the abundant life blog girl.
I'm just your average, every day 20-something that has a tendency to blog. I am chronically ill. I am also chronically awesome. I spend a lot of my time in hospitals but I don't let it keep me from living an incredibly fulfilling life. I have been sick since I was a little girl therefore my disease has helped to shape me into the woman I am today. It has also taught me to have a sense of humor about life.
My blog is about my journey. My journey of balance. Learning to balance graduate school, faith, relationships, and chronic illness. Having chronic illness doesn’t define me, its merely a part of the person I have become. I am grateful for the good days and persevere on the bad ones. Its my life and I happen to love it.
Here are a few fun facts about me:
  • I have a way of saying inappropriate things without meaning to. I call this being awesomely awkward.
  • I buy and then subsequently read books on every subject.
  • I adore bad television. Oh, the pointless shows I watch. Its shameful.
  • I drink coffee on the regular.
  • Not only am I a blogger myself, I read other blogs like its my part-time job. Woman Obsessed.
  • I’m currently in graduate school, desperately trying to complete this lifelong journey called ‘getting educated’.
  • I won't eat anything that I deem smooshy.


Awesomely awkward- I love it.

I say, "Never the wrong way, just the long way" about my terrible sense of direction.

Happy Friday,

Patty said…
Your positive outlook is just great! Looking forward to reading more and have to say that I love one comment you made, about yourself..."I wasn't promised a perfect life"...something that applies to all of us as well.

Will be peeking-in to see how you're doing!

Unknown said…
nice to meet you!

you have more 'bullets' than 'facts'. I am trying not to let that bug me...

I love reading blogs, too. It's like looking into windows in random houses. I remember as a kid when we'd be out at night, I'd always try to get a peek in the houses with their lights on and curtain open
Karen Greenberg said…
This looks like a great blog. I'm off to follow now!
great atitude girl... going over to check you out! have a great weekend :)
Happy Kathy said…
Lovely girl and realy strong!!I am going to check her blog right nooooow!!! ;-))
my3littlebirds said…
From your description it sounds like we have a lot in common. I stopped by to follow and will look forward to reading more : )

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