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Featured Blog: Fashionography

Dear friends, we apologize on behalf of linky tools. We have sent emails and are hoping to hear back soon. Thanks for bearing with us and leaving your links in the comments. You are all so very awesome and we've enjoyed reading your love letters. Meanwhile, continue to link those up with the temporary linky and enjoy a feature.

Hey! My name is Kathryn, and I'm 16 years young. My little corner of the online universe is The Fashionography, which is part fashion, part photography, and partly my life. Through this blog, I've been meeting fabulous new people, as well as discovering a little bit more about who I am. {Can you say cliche?! But it's true.} I have a slight addiction to notebooks and cookies, and I tend to overdose on parenthesis. {Like this!}


I like to think of myself as a budding photographer, and I'm learning more every day {especially from the wonderful photography blogs online.} My favorite subjects to photograph are my friends {say hi to Marion, above!}, family, and our little bundle of trouble {Rooney, our pit bull}.


These days, I'm working on developing my personal style, trying to forget about how I dressed in Middle School, {Goodbye sweatpants, random sweaters, and running shoes! I was young, okay!}, and attempting to travel as often as I can. Oh, and surviving high school. {oh the joys.}


I'm a pretty ordinary girl, with big dreams for the future. I'd love to meet you, and you can check out my blog here!


Congrats on the feature. I haven't come across too many younger bloggers like yourself and I am really excited to check out the blog!
Liz said…
Good to meet you Kathryn! Photography is such a wonderful expression, and I wish you the best. I like point and shoot now but composition and what is actually in the picture is good too!

Glad you have an "outlet" blog to help cope with life. Yes, it is different in High School, but aspects are the same.

I wish you luck!
Anonymous said…
Congratulations on being featured! Just checked out your blog and it's really great - looking forward to reading more :)
Chrissy said…
Hey congrats on being featured! Awesome! Will come over right away!
And to the FTLOB ladies - awesome new header!
Kathryn said…
This is so exciting! Thanks everyone :)
Ashley said…
Congrats! You are a great photographer! Keep it up!
Alida Sharp said…
congrats on the to check out your blog!
Amethystmoon said…
really coll blog! Thanks for linking up at Tuesdays Gone. I'm now following
Way to go Grace! You are definitely well on your way to be a fantastic photographer! Don't let anything get in the way of your big dreams! Youre very talented! Heading over to check out your blog!
Gertrude said…
Congrats on the feature! Checking your blog now :) x
Elena said…
I love this girl. I just started following her a few days ago. Really nice blog!

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