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Featured Blog: A Moment of Simplicity

The features here at FTLOB have been amazing. We love each of you and have learned a lot from one another. We're so excited about growing your blogging experience and giving you that outlet to make some lifelong friends.

We'd like for you all to know that it is our very goal to make each member successful at blogging and when sometimes you feel like giving up, it's right here where we want to encourage you to keep going. Because it's not easy sometimes and there are days when we feel like pulling the plug. Today, tomorrow and the future will not be that day. We hope you all find encouraging people here that make you want to continue this journey. Patti would like us all to know why she blogs:

Why I Blog:

I've been asked this question alot lately. If you blog you probably have a distinct answer all your own. Although we're all distinct and different in our purpose or passion for blogging..I think one thing is true. We have a creative bug inside of us. We're the type of people that in the middle of life will say to ourselves....'that would make a good story!'.....or....'I have to take a picture of THAT!
We are forever trying to CAPTURE life. It might be with words, pictures, decorative creations. They all have an expression very much their own. It's sentimental, expressive and sometimes put a little piece of you and your world together and send it out into blog land.

I personally became inspired following the chronicles of various bloggers decorating projects.  I too wanted to document my progress in the world of DIY.  My aspirations to decorate my home soon progressed to the desire to share my heart.  When I shared some trials and tribulations I was having, the responses moved me. One reader was going through the same type of situation I blogged about.  She expressed how good it felt to know she wasn't alone with the same thoughts and experiences.  We all know how good it feels to know someone 'gets' something we are going through or feeling.  Something I wrote gave comfort to someone who lived 1000 miles away.  Wow.  I too have been comforted by other bloggers stories.  Moved by their passions and touched by their heartache.

(Find this clip on Etsy)

I blog because I like to create, learn and connect with many different people who make up this not so big world.  Regardless of miles, lifestyles or culture we all have a distinct desire to connect with other share our heart, to hear another's.  To blog.


Thank you for being here! Enjoy the day friends!


Danielle Leal said…
The best thing about blogs is that you can connect with those people that you never thought you could connect with. Its so inspiring and you my dear are too! Congratulations on you feature, Patti!
what a sweet feature. just linked over to your blog from chrissy in america and i'm a new follower. it looks like you've got a great community of bloggers...will for sure go check out some links.
Kandy said…
I feel so much the same way about blogging... I love the connection and sharing..."capturing life"!!!
Thanks for sharing!!
Unknown said…
I agree with Patti!! I've been meaning to write a Why I Blog post, but haven't done it yet... Hopefully soon. Thanks for sharing!
Patty said…
A lovely blog that is a pleasure to follow!

True, we all share similar thoughts and ideas; blogging helps to join each of us in our creativity, it allows us to find so many others who understand and helps us to let them know we care in return.

Congratulations on being featured....have a great week-end!
Patti said…
Thank you for all your sweet comments!!! This site is fantastic isn't it?! I hope you all have a fantastic weekend!!! Happy Blogging...and keep in touch =)
Unknown said…
Patti! I truly love your blog and the reason behind it all makes it that much more special to read :)


Congrats on being a feature post!
Gina Alfani said…
That was beautiful . . . awesome post!

Have a wonderful weekend . . . Gina :)
What a great question! It certainly has become the fabric of our lives! So many interesting people from places I would never be able see!

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