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Featured Blog: A Day in the Life of a Hockey Wife

Welcome friends, to another great feature! We're super happy you're all here sharing with us!


My Story

Truth be told, I am still figuring this one out. I am 25 years old. I am married to a man who plays hockey for a living. I am the mother to a wonderfully amazing little boy, Linden (after Trevor Linden of the Vancouver Canucks). I studied Political Science, History and Spanish in University and had hopes of going to law school. I shouldn’t say ‘had’ … I still ‘have’ hopes of going to law school. 

Meeting my husband and having a child has drastically changed the five year plan I drafted after University. For now, my five year plan has been put on hold. The way I see it, these next few years are about supporting my husband, raising our son, and enjoying our adventures. In hockey, players have a shelf-life. There are only so many more years that my husband can continue to play the sport he loves.

Law school may be on hold but my life certainly isn’t. 

Our Story

We met through mutual friends in November of 2007. He had just been sent down from one league to another. I had just moved home to work and save money for law school. My girlfriend’s husband was the captain of the local team. He insisted he knew the perfect guy for me: his teammate. A hockey player? No offense but I think I’ll pass. Okay, one movie date. Fine, I'll go to dinner with you. Another movie? Okay. It went on like that for a while. I fought it. Hard. And then I fell ... just as hard.

The weekend we decided to become an item, the team that sent him down decided they wanted him back. We decided to give long-distance a shot.

We both knew from the beginning that THIS was IT. He fell head-over-skates in love with me within weeks … and okay, I fell for him too, head-over-jimmy choos.
The rest is a bit of a blur but … three years later, here we are.

My Blog

In the past two years we have traveled from the US to Italy, Italy to the US, the US to Germany, and Germany to the US. We have experienced a lot of ups and downs over the past two years and while we aren't where we want to be today, we are hopeful that we will make our way back to Europe next season. And of course, we are thankful we have a place to be at all.
My blog is about my life as a (hockey) wife, mother, daughter and friend. I started to write as a way to vent or sort my thoughts out, that is why I do my best to remain anonymous. It's difficult, within this lifestyle, to be vulnerable to other wives and girlfriends (unfortunately, women aren't always supportive of other women) and when things aren't so great, blabbing about it within the group can sometimes do a lot more damage. Thankfully, through this blog, I have connected with a handful of amazing hockey (and non-hockey) women. I love that my blog has recently grown and while that growth brings excitement and opportunity, I am committed to writing for myself. It's my safe place, where I can write openly and honestly about the things I love and the things that drive me absolutely insane. It's my therapy.

Head over and show some Love

Enjoy the eve:)


Keri said…
This is lovely. What a great read. Feel like I know you a little.
Danielle Leal said…
I really enjoyed getting to know you through your feature! Thanks for featuring her girls! I am heading over to her blog now!
Yeah for HW!!!!! So happy for you and your feature :)
Unknown said…
I love the support we can find in bloggy land:)
Morgan said…
YAY HW!!! Congrats to you : )
Rachel said…
Awesome!! Love it!
Unknown said…
What a great feature! It just captures so much about this blogger! I'm excited to check out this blog!
Hockey Wife said…
WOW! I just got home from that volunteer opportunity I blogged about a month ago. (it was a success, by the way!) I logged into my blog and noticed that I had seven new comments and that's rare! Someone mentioned that I was featured here and I could hardly believe it! I had visited FTLOB earlier today and this hadn't been posted yet.

THANK YOU for featuring me. I am beyond excited! This has been the best place to meet other bloggers, network, and honestly, those that participate in your blog hops have some of the best content I have come across! I heart FTLOB!
Branson said…
I love that you describe blogging as therapy... That is why I started mine. The awesome community is just a bonus ;) thanks for sharing :)
Jessica said…
Great feature, could that baby be any cuter? Almost makes me want one more. Almost. Heading over to read more.
Heather said…
Congrats HW!!! much deserved - you are an inspiration!!!
Anonymous said…
Congrats, HW! You are an inspiration in many more ways than one.
Unknown said…
Congrats on your featur!!! Headed to say hi now!

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