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Introducing: The "Not Always" Happy Homemaker
First of all, I want to thank For The Love Of Blogs for giving all of us Blogging fanatics a place to come together and for letting us have maximum exposure to other bloggers and to blog readers. Us: {Your Very Welcome}
My name is Missy. I live in Virginia. Actually, we are not too far at all from Liberty University (think Thomas Road Baptist Church and Jerry Falwell). I'd just turned 34 years old. My husband works at Kroger Food & Drug, and I am a *former* employee of the company (quit two weeks before having to return from Maternity Leave).
My blogging started long ago. At least three years back, but over on places like MySpace and on FaceBook. It wasn't until about a year ago when I friend directed me to Blogger/BlogSpot.
From there, my blog, The (Not Always) Happy Homemaker was born.
It mainly details my life as a Stay-At-Home mom and wife. We have three kids (and three cats) that drive us insane most of the time. My husband and I have been married for eight years, together almost eleven years. My oldest is his step-daughter, but you would never know the wiser, seeing as they love one another as if they were the real deal.
Plus, it certainly helps that my son who is legally disabled gives me all kinds of gems to talk about. I call him my "legally papered crazy kid", being he has a slew of mental disorders, including ADHD.
And I am also a Corneal Transplant graft recipient (10/29/2009, my mother's death anniversary, exactly 20 years to the day). I'm an advocate for Opt-In Organ/Tissue Donor Registry.
I'm also very opinionated and don't care if I piss someone off. My blog, my views is how I see it. I don't mind agreeing to disagree, and do like a CIVIL debate here and there.
Here is one of the latest pictures of my kids, who got to finally go sledding after the first good snow fall (and the first one period) for the winter season...
And here is one of me (taken by myself, sitting by the Christmas Tree)...
Hmmm...FTLOB wants an interesting story? I think I may be able to scrounge one up.
Let's just say that I wasn't for all medical and technical purposes (not divine purposes!), not destined to be sticking around after my birth. I had a host of medical problems at birth. As in literally right out the chute.
I'd come out with a collapsed lung, fluid build up on said lung, an almost completely detached esophagus and required a tracheostomy right away. Then, had to be air-lifted to another hospital (in which they told my father that more than likely I wouldn't survive past lift off, let alone to the entrance) for emergency micro-surgery to re-inflate my lung and reattach my esophageal tract.
For the longest time, I required a feeding tube that went directly in to my belly, past my diaphragm. They gave me the liquid nutrition through that, and I was NEVER able to breast feed or even bottle feed. I had my first bottle at about two years old.
Apparently, there were times as I sat in my highchair for tube feedings that I got a tad bit bored and apparently decided to make my own fun.
One day, as told by my Dad, before my mom could 'unhook' me from the tubing that lead to the bag on an IV pole, I unhooked the main tubing myself somehow and I used the tube (still filled with liquid nutrition) as a lasso (think Texas Steed Ranger) and was swinging that sucker in circles.
Dad said I flung the "food" allllll over the entire kitchen. Nothing was left untouched. Even my parents. He said I covered walls, the floor, the stove, dining table. Everything. And that they had to duck as to not get hit in the face with my food.
Well, I guess that this is it. Feel free to come on by my place (my blog) and sit a spell. Also, feel free to grab my Blog Button and "pimp" me out, if you wish to. Just go easy on me, is all that I ask. (=
A Special Thanks to Missy. Please head over and make her day!
Please drop by and maybe follow me if you fancy a laugh. I'd be delighted to welcome you.
Friendly wishes from a very snowy and cold UK
Carol from www.facing50withhumour.blogspot.com – the blog that gives you laughter lines. (Has that put you off?)
Now, to relax a bit before working on today's "25 Days Of Christmas" post. I've been at the school all day having a party, helping in class and doing a school-wide sing along.