Good Monday Morning Crafty Friends! You'll find a new link up each week on Mondays to show off your handmade goods, that way we can take it and try to make it ourselves! Please link to the post not your blogs, we want to be able to find the tutorial right away.

If you are itching to JUST LINK UP----Wait a few more minutes and we'll get our Magical Monday Hop Out where those that have nothing to link up can link just their blogs! This Post is for CRAFTS ONLY! thank you, have fun learning new stuff and come back to wave your wands at new fabulous blogs.
Good Afternoon Lovely Members! Over one hundred of you Signed The Pledge and We Think that is spectacular. The page is filled with amazing blog lovers who deserve to be checked out. Go to this page to read these comments on signing the pledge and know that these people take pride in their blogs- they are so deserving of your love. In an effort to keep this going and make a difference here in blog land, we are bringing the pledge to this page so the comments don't get too overwhelming. We would recommend checking everyone out who signs because they have the same goals and etiquette as we do. So as far as being true to yourselves, your blogs and your friends, we know that these are the blogs we can go to for authenticity. For those that already signed, you don't have to sign here-Now for all of you new members who have yet to sign, here it is: I solemnly swear to participate in as many hops and features here at FTLOB to grow my blogging experience but ultimately to gain a...