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Fab Friends Friday

Can I get a wooooot....wooooot! It's Friday and I'm super glad it's the weekend, almost! Today's Fab Friends day, so get your fab friend shout outs somewhere in there-it's always nice to see who's highlighted for the day!

If you are new-thank you for joining us! We have so much going on-too much to link here in a post. Just browse around, I'm sure you'll fit right in.

Today's fab friends are-


Head over to some fab friends places today and make a list of your own-Link up and enjoy the day!


one advantage to living waaaay over here. I get to be up early enough to link up first, haha :) Have a great Friday ya'll!
Jacqui' said…
Fab Friday is here! Dirt and Lace is the best I have to say. She hooks my blog up and shes sweet as pie. Stephanie Rocks!!!!
Ah, Friday! Some weekend relaxation is so much needed :) I hope you're all have a great one!
xxx mervi
Have a happy Friday friends ;)
Cinda said…
Here's to Friday and the weekend!
Mrs. Bee said…
Can someone email me and tell me how you can post the buttons into your blog so the person can just click on the image and it takes you to their site? So far I have only been able to upload their image and then add a link by writing underneath the picture. I don't know how to enter the html code into the actual blog post and make the image show up. I would really appreciate any help! Thanks guys! Hope you have a fabulous Friday!

OKinUK said…
When it comes to FTLOB, it sometimes feels like I'm playing Mao.
Raymonde said…
Hello, I just "stumbled" across your blog. What a lovely place to be! Looking forward to browsing and getting to know this new community.
Have a wonderful day. xxx
Heather M said…
WOOOHOOO Its finally Friday! I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!
A little Sunshine to start off the weekend...and a great link up at FTLOB!

b. lee said…
* * happy flippin' fresh FRANCO friday * *
WelltoDo said…
thx for hosting.... love your hops :)

xoxo susan from well to do
Missy said…
Good morning, everyone! Have a great Friday. And a fantabulous weekend. I can't wait for the Twitter party.
Morgan said…
Have to love the luv of Fridays! Everyone enjoy a fantastic day.
Sherri said…
Wooooot woot!!! Have a beautiful friday, friends:)
Anonymous said…
Happy Friday and Happy SPRING BREAK! Woot woot!
Unknown said…
Happy Friday!!! And thank goodness... It's been a LONG week!
Awww thanks!!! I love you FTLOB!!! And Jacqui :)

Have a great day, everyone.

cakeologist said…
Happy Friday! Hope everyone has a great weekend. Wish I didn't have to skip the twitter party - have fun!
Patty said…
Happy Friday lovely people!

Started off my day reading a wonderful post from Colie at...The Colie Chronicles. Giving her a shout-out and many hugs!

Hugs to each of you too!

Happy Friday everyone!!! Hope you are all looking forward to the weekend!
Caleb said…
Happy Mother F****** Friday!

Yes, you know what those asterisks mean...

I'm bored- come over and comment on my latest post and I'll come read yours. Promise! Though, I'm likely to just start at #1 and plow through some blogs anyway.

Cuz that's how I roll.

Missy said…
I'd written a second post on The "Mental"-ist Mom blog. It talks of proposed budget cuts to Mental Health in NEVADA...And my fears of it hitting my state soon as well, being I have a CHILD that receives mental health services.

And Caleb said...

"Happy Mother F****** Friday!"

(Thanks, but I think I will pass on reading. I don't care to be told happy "effing" anything. Especially by a "stranger" on the web.)
Hi, I'm a new follower. Thank you for hosting. Looking forward to blog hopping from your site.
Colie said…
Happy Friday everyone!!
Jamie Rubeis said…
Great suggestions! I am already a Dirt and Lace follower! I'll have to peep the rest!
Anonymous said…
Thanks for featuring my blog! It was a treat to log in this morning and see this!!
Anonymous said…
Thanks for featuring my blog! It was a treat to log in this morning and see this!!

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