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FTLOB Twitter Party

Who's Down for a Little Fun Next Weekend!? We, here at FTLOB love to TWEET so we know this will be an exciting time for all of us! We want to throw some fun questions out there and have you answer to win some prizes. Sponsors; if you'd like to offer a treat for this event, please email us at bloglove {at} aol {dot} com -We will be promoting your shops in exchange for a giveaway.

Party Details:
Time-12pm est SATURDAY 3/5/11
Who's Invited-Everyone
This will be our very first FTLOB party and we are just looking for fun, interaction time with our favorite tweeple. The party will go on until, well....we don't know! whenever we end it i guess!

We will have several Re-Tweets for you, making it easier to tweet. The Hashtag #FTLOBPARTY is important in answering the questions.

If you have any ideas or want to help out, just holler! we'd love to have you! this should be loads of fun! Set your cell phones, so you don't forget!:) hope to see you there.

If you can leave a comment, saying, "I'll be there," with your @ names, we can add you to the Party List. Thanks.



Missy said…
Awesome! You know I will certainly promote this between Blogger, Twitter, FaceBook and Twitter. (=
Chrissy said…
You know I'll be there! And about the treat/ prize - anything you want! @chrissyza
This sounds cool! I'm @brownbugz on Twitter.
Its a little early West Coast time... but I plan to be there! @NorthOnHarper
Missy said…
I got so excited I forgot to add my Twitter handle lol...

How fun! I'm @maybeimamazed
Unknown said…
That'll be fun!!! Hoping I can make it on Saturday!!! :)
Unknown said…
ah this sounds so fun! Hopefully I'll be there :D @MelissaPitz
Stephanie said…
Woo! I'm in. How exciting! =]
Stephanie said…
Oh yeah, haha. I'm @StephanieDuckie =D
Sweet. I've never been to a twitter party. What to wear...
myprayerpillows said…
I will be there @purplelaptop3
Miss365 said…
I'll be there if I can work out times in Sydney @Miss365inSyd
Anonymous said…
Oh my gosh, sounds like fun!! I'll be driving home from a mini-vacay, hope I'm home in time to join the fun! @luluwrites

I will be there, of course :) @kelsey_kay
Lauren said…
I'll be there if I remember haha!
Rachel Parker said…
I'm with Lauren - if I remember, I'll totally be there! @grownuprachel :)
Sweta said…
I'll be there @omgswetapants :)
Funn. I'll be there. @helloagainvtg
Heather said…
I'll be there! @Desert_Belle
What a neat-o idea! Whats everyone wearing and should I bring an app to share?? How about a bottle of wine ;) @travel_babbles
Alely said…
will be there! i just hope i don't forget!

That sounds like sooo much fun ;)

I'm following from bloggy moms.
Unknown said…
I'll be there @MirandaSman this sounds like fun!
Miranda from
Gertrude said…
I'll be there! @gertrude329
artichoke said…
Hii, I'm new around here! I want to play :) (@artich0kedesign)
icefairy said…
I'll try my best to attend @luckytoddler

Jackie D said…
I want to play! @ jackie_travels
Jacqui' said…
Awww snaps! This sounds like fun! Im @hipstirfresh
Unknown said…
I'll be there! @kmstreeter12509

VectoringMomma said…
Sounds like fun, anything about blogging is! Definitely have some q's for you experienced bloggers! @VectoringMomma
Kristin said…
I'll try my best to be there! I've got to run errands but I'll try to leave early! @morriska372
Anonymous said…
I'll be there
Anonymous said…
I'll be there
Anonymous said…
I'll be there @pudgebutters
Unknown said…
I'll be there. @ludyl123
Elizabeth said…
I will be there
xmasSpode said…
Don't have a blog, but love to join you.

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