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It's Comment Love Day

Well Hello 2011. We've made it through one heck of a year, goodbye 2010, we welcome 2011 with our arms wide open. It was a wonderful way to end it. We have met some  a ton of really amazing blogs here and continue to carry that out. We wish each and every one of you all the best this new year has to offer.


Each Week we Host Hops that have NO RULES. I like it that way and continue to have it that way. Except for today. Each Sunday we will be hosting Comment Love Day. It's all about commenting because we all know how busy we can get where we can't always comment on each of the lovely blogs we read. I personally view a lot of blogs on my phone and it's not easy to log in to leave comments. And I know many others who have the same problem. As much as I would love to wait a hundred hours for my phone to upload, it's impossible. So we are dedicating one day to comment love and we hope you'll all find time to join in. I also wanted to mention something because several people think this: If your not getting a lot of comments on your posts, it's not because people are not reading. It's most likely for reasons I've already stated. So do not get discouraged, keep blogging and know that people are reading your blog, they just may not always be able to comment. But I do think it's important to set a day aside to show that love. So if you can't participate today then maybe set aside one day during each week to do that.

The Rules are Quite Simple. You don't have to be a member to link up (although it would be lovely if you joined this rockin' club). Just follow these steps and link up.


1.) Link Up and Leave a Comment Here Afterwards. If you don't we will delete your link. It's only fair that everyone linking up do this.

2.) Head To The Blog In Front (before) your Comment to leave them a comment on their post. (No Copy and Pastes, Must be something Related to their post) Tell them where your coming from and wish them a good day!

3.) Visit at least 2-3 Other Blogs in the Hop and Do the Same.

4.) Return The Love when you get a chance.

5.) If I find any of you asking for a follow in return, we will remove any comments and links you put on this site. This is not a place where you can go asking people to follow you. It makes people feel uncomfortable and it's not nice. If someone wants to follow you, they will. They will because you were being sincere. This also goes for asking someone to check you out. All you need to do is leave your link after the comment. You don't need to ask or demand things.

Thanks for being here. Jump in and share the love. We like to encourage you to also mention a blog you love in your posts (we like to call them shout outs), it's a great way to get involved, gain friends and readers.

You'll Notice Two Very New Buttons on our Sidebar. Feel free to grab one if you like them better.

You'll also notice our new blog of the month. Stop by, say hello and congrats. Don't forget to nominate. And Visit Our Runner Up as well.

The Winner of The Ad Space on Freckles and Fudge was Lisa Rosalie. Congrats! Don't get all antsy though. You'll have a chance to win more big things here on FTLOB. Stay tuned.
Enjoy the day.


Gabby Malcuit said…
Thanks for posting these rules. I had to re-read them to make sure I know them correctly. I know I said this once before, but it's sooooooooo awkward when people say, "Follow me back!" Puts you on the spot...
Kari said…
Hello friends! Hope you had a super new years! XOXO
AubrieAnne said…
Happy New Year. Yes, we did make it and looking forward to another year, better than the last, and one to remember.

AubrieAnne @
Unknown said…
W00T! for banning the "follow back" pleas. (I actually wrote a blog about this a few days ago!)

I linked, followed you (becuase I keep meaning to, then forgetting, then can't find you)

and started commenting on other blogs!
Unknown said…
YAY for comments and NOT asking for follow backs! I also wrote a post about this recently:) Hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday.
Unknown said…
I love that you host so many bloghops with no rules. This will fun too!
Anonymous said…
Thank you for hosting this! I love comments that are actually about what I wrote. It's fun!
DawnZhang said…
I found you guys through Donna's blog and I love this. And yeah thanks for the rules lol. A very Happy New Year to you guys.

DawnZhang @

Lots of love.
Thanks for posting the rules. I am new to this! I love that you do this, because you are SO RIGHT -- I check most of the blogs I follow in Google Reader on my phone and it is hard to go through and comment a lot. BUT I AM READING nonetheless!

Happy New Year!
Heather said…
It's so nice of you to host this special hop or really a very kind gesture from one blogger to another. Giving a sense of appreciation to the sites that are suitable to your taste. And also allowing us to give SHOUT OUTS to those we love!
Hope you had a safe and Happy New Year!
And I LOVE your new blog buttons! Will have to grab one.
Heather said…
I have submitted my link twice and it still hasn't shown up. Go figure!
Heather said…
Well now it is showing up 3 times, you can delete 2. Sleep deprivation is all I can chaulk it up to or mental causes!
BarefootedMama said…
Love the new rules! I think that in our busy lifestyles it is good to leave comments every now and again. Thanks guys!

Carol E Wyer said…
This is the first time I've joined this Sunday hop and I am really looking forward to sitting here in the peace and quiet meeting new friends...provided Hubby doesn't come and disturb me (again). Thank you for the opportunity to mingle. Hope 2011 brings you much happiness.
Kindest wishes
Carol from
Shah Wharton said…
Hey everyone - Best wishes to you all re 2011. Just popped over to Danni's and saw her 100 list. Inspirational. Glad to be here agani - hopping crazy! Shah. X
Blogs said…
Hey Doll Faces. Wishing each of you a marvelous Sunday. Smile, Sparkle, Shine! xoxo
Galit Breen said…
I love this! It's friendly and kind and all about paying it forward! Also: How fab to give us (Me!) permission to set aside a day for comment love! *Bliss* I'm off to read and THANK YOU! Truly. Happy New Year!
Nancy said…
Happy New Year!! Just passing by from the Blog Hop.-
Create With Joy said…
Happy New Year to you and thanks for setting up such a lovely way for us all to connect with one another!

Carol E Wyer said…
Just nipped back and grabbed one of those smart buttons you have...looks very nice in my sidebar. Thank you.
Happy New Year...thank you for hosting this hop LOVE it...
Anonymous said…
Happy New Year!! Thanks for supporting us all.
Renee Ann said…
Thanks for hosting a blog hop that simply encourages us to read each others' blogs and show some appreciation. Hope your new year holds many blessings!
Becky said…
I am new here, and looking forward to meeting new bloggers. What a great way to start a new year? Now? I'm off to read new bloggers!
Danielle Leal said…
I'm linking up!! I almost forgot to comment down here because i was commenting on a whole bunch of other blogs!! oops!
I hope everyone has a wonderful day!
Satori_Image said…
I am just learning about blog hops ( yes, I'm a noobie blogger LOL) they are so much fun! Thanks for hosting ^_^ I'm linking and already started on commenting lol.
Unknown said…
Thanks for the can follow me back at ....


I love the rules here, it always gets under my skin to know that someone just stopped by to get a follow back and didn't read a single word on my blog.

Thanks again - have a great Sunday!

Happy Comment Sunday. Hope the New Year is good to everyone.
Jamie Rubeis said…
I love some comment love!
Sherri said…
I love love love this hop!! I just read some amazing posts...thank-u for making my morning coffee so enjoyable!! Happy beautiful Sunday:)
Such a good idea! I often read blogs too but don't always get a chance to comment. Sunday is a great day for that because its my day of rest. Looking forward to checking out some new blogs (or new to me) :)
Unknown said…
love this idea and so happy to be a part of the blog hop :) love to see what everyone is doing out in the blog world. hapy new year lovies!

peace. love. create.
Anonymous said…
I love this idea!! The hops can be fun, but the copied and paste, "follow me" get old. Its nice when people put some thought into a comment. I know for the most part I try to do that.
Melissa Nesdahl said…
Thanks for the opportunity! So fun to get exposed to new blogs!
Heather S said…
Thanks for the fun hop! Off to check out some new blogs.
dunlizzie said…
Here's some love to you for hosting an opportunity to meet some new bloggers! I love finding new and great blogs to read!
Stephanie said…
what a great way to start of the new year!
Crystal said…
Happy New Year...finally got some snow here! So I think we may be sledding later today. Hope everyone had a safe new year and hit the groung runnin'!! Vic, girl- love ya- Happy New year!!!
Just Wedeminute said…
This is such a fun one, I love getting comments so I know others must too!
Kari said…
Oh Vic, Oh Ash, I want to give you a big bloggy hug. You don't know how nice it is to be able to pick and choose which blog I want to comment/join with no pressure. I LOVE it! XOXO
Hi I am a new follower and I love blog hops.. Come by any time
Camille said…
I am so glad to be back from holiday and able to participate in your hops and blogging again! Here's to another exciting year! *clinks glass* :D
Branson said…
My first comment love day! =) Looks like fun!
Thanks for hosting! This is the first time that I have participated in this blog hop. Such a great idea!
Alex said…
Thank you for Comments Sunday! . I try to dedicate at least one or two days of the week to comment on blogs that I really love.

Thank you for hosting!
Ashley said…
I love Comment Day, it's a wonderful idea. Have fun everyone! xo
Kerbi said…
I'm excited to participate in Comment Love day!
Unknown said…
Happy New Year love!!! :)

Nicole said…
Happy New Year!! I am fairly new to this blog and I am loving all the hops!! Looking farward to participating in all the hops in the new year. Thanks!
Michele said…
Thanks for the great link up. Nice to have a place without all the "rules" to follow to link up. Great blog, thanks again for the time you put into this.
Diana said…
This is my first time participating at this blog hop. Thank you for hosting it!
Unknown said…
stopping back by to say this has been a really fun hop! I met lots of new blog friends (and the decreased amount of follow-me-back comments has been NICE!~)
Liz said…
Absolutely LOVE this idea. I like to hear (read) good things and be compliamented.

Glad I found you and glad I am following!

Liz @ lil-LIZ-bits
Crystal said…
You changed your header since yesterday! I wanted to comment yesterday how much I loved your header, especially the bokeh hearts pic! This one is lovely too! Thanks for the linky
Unknown said…
Happy 2011!!! Thanks for giving us a community to share and meet new bloggers!!
Suzanne Maughan said…
Here's one more comment from a blogger who read this post too late to link (maybe next week?). :) I absolutely love your blog and what you are doing. We could all use an extra bit of encouragement for our different types of blogs. This is an awesome way to get that going!
Thank you! :)

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