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Tasty Tuesday

Welcome friends to Tasty Tuesday. We hope you'll link up and join the fun today.

After the glutony of the past few months (Halloween candy, Thanksgiving feasts and Holiday treats) I'm sure many of us plan to work on our waistlines or eating habits once the New Year begins. I thought I would share a light and healthy salad dressing to get us started on the right foot. I always keep this made up and in my fridge.


Balsamic dressing:
1/2 cup EEOO
1/4 cup balsamic vinegar
Juice of 1 orange (1/4 cup) - you can use lemon instead or in addition
1/2 tsp oregano
1/2 tsp basil
1 Tbs dijon mustard
3 garlic cloves crushed fine
salt and pepper

Or if you are like me and are not ready for the New Year diet to's one more tasty treat to salivate over...

Remember that we don't have rules but ask you each to be respectful of each other. Please leave a genuine comment on any blog you visit. Feel free to hop around and visit as many of our member's blogs as you would like. If you have a Tasty Tuesday post we'd love for you to grab a button but we encourage all our members to link up regardless. 


If you are new, be sure to click our welcome button and find out how to get involved. And don't forget to vote for our new blog of the month! Only a few more days until the next blog of the month is announced.

Happy hopping! We can't wait to get out there and see what's cookin'.


Oh gosh! That's delicious! I'm doing that next week! :)
kitten said…
Quick question, Do we have to have the recipe in our post or can we just feature a photo of something we had or made the past week from a previous post?
Kari said…
I'm gonna link up to meal plan from today...that's okay right?
AubrieAnne said…
Thanks for another blog hop. I see that many people have questions and with all do respect, maybe FTLOB could reiterate what Tasty Tuesday is all about and what FTLOB likes to see done with it. It would be a good refresher for those who have been joining in on the hop for a while and introduce new members to the full concept so there is little confusion. You know I found myself at a lost for a while there and I'd really appreciate the story well.

Looking foward to more.

AubrieAnne @
Danielle Leal said…
That salad looks delicious!! I am in a salad kind of mood now!
Kim said…
I'm your newest follower! Thanks so much for hosting this fun hop...I love new recipes.
jo said…
The balsamic dressing looks delicious. I make a similar version without the oregano and basil. I think I have to try this version next...
Happy Tuesday!
The salad looks amazing...I feel my jeans getting tighter. Yesterday I ate healthy couldn't fathom another cookie...but then I see your blog post for today and the cupcakes look so yummy makes me want one..I will try the salad..thanks for sharing.
I feel like I've been in a food coma for the past week...but I could eat more :)
Alida Sharp said…
Happy Tuesday everyone!! And oh my that balsamic dressing sounds tasty!!
Kim said…
Yum! This all has made me hungry!
Here's a few tasty tips of my own:
Ashley said…
Sorry for the confusion guys, looks like Vic put together a post to answer questions. Xoxo
Unknown said…
Those cupcakes look so yummy!!! And thanks for a healthy dressing recipe! Gotta try that out! :)
AubrieAnne said…
Dijon mustard!!! I think that's what my balsamic dressing has been missing! Thanks for the tip!

AubrieAnne @

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