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Featured Blog - Random Adventures

I guess I should start by introducing myself. My name is Lauren and I blog over here!  I'm a 24 year and blog over at old middle school teacher turned toilet salesman. Yep, that's right, I sell potty parts and other various bathroom essentials for a living right here in the Lone Star State. By day, I wear an awesome pink cape inter tube and save the world from its restroom woes.
By night, I am partner in crime to my hubster , the proud mother of three fur babies, daughter to the rents, sister to the sibs, wifey to my wife, biff to the bestie, cousin to the Yankee, next-door neighbor extraordinaire, and Aunt YaYa to the brightest little lights of my life. You can read all about them here.

I started this blog as a way to document the hot mess that is my life. I have a knack for exaggeration and story telling, so I thought joining the blog-o-sphere would be the perfect way to showcase those abilities. I also majored in English and actually really enjoy writing (which, unfortunately isn't something you get the opportunity to do while selling commodes). My entries usually involve ranting about the chaos surprises my dogs like to leave for me when I get home from work, bragging on my too-cute-for-their-own-good niece and nephew, chronicling a typical day at my office, or retelling the sometimes reckless, sometimes crazy, always exaggerated encounters of my daily life. Every now and then, I put on my sappy cap and write something overly mushy/heartfelt. I try and post a disclaimer when this happens, so you don't walk unknowingly into a tear jerking situation.

The hubs and I are admittedly the worst grown ups ever, so if you stop by my blog you'll likely be bombarded with stories that support the aforementioned statement. We try not to take life too seriously, and for two people who have been together for almost a decade, we still know how to have fun with each other and laugh at ourselves. I titled my blog: Random Adventures and Mindless Chatter because I felt like those two categories were broad enough to encompass anything I could possible think of posting. On Thursdays, I take time to write little bloggy mini-letters called "Thoughts and Thanks" as a weekly reminder to myself to acknowledge the little things in life that give my life its sparkle.

This is my second go-around in the blogging world, and if you choose to stop by, I really hope you enjoy what you find. Grab a drink and stay a while, because insanity is always better when shared with friends.

Thanks and Gig'em




Patty said…
Totally agree with you on sharing the insanity; I make it a point to pay it forward on a daily basis, lol.

Congrats on being featured!!!!
Unknown said…
Hi, I'm your newest follower and would love it if you could follow me back :)

Unknown said…
I love your site! You have a new fan!I am Playing Blog hop tag, YOUR IT! Tag me back at: and on facebook
Mama Up! said…
I think toilet saleswoman is an awesome job title ;)
Elle said…
Hey ladies! I'm so sorry i'm just now seeing all of your sweet comments. Thank y'all SO much and I'm already looking forward to checking out all of your blogs :) Happy Friday!

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