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Voting Poll is Up!

please forgive for not posting a link up today, we just have so many posts that need to go out! enjoy the day:)

June's Blog of the Month Voting Poll is now up!

here are the nominees...visit each of them to vote for your favorite
over there on the sidebar is

please note: if you nominated yourself, you cannot (it's clear in the writing) and if you are not a member, you cannot be entered-we don't know if you are a member unless you sport one of our buttons. thanks for nominating and voting. have fun and visit everyone!


Unknown said…
Ooh! House Unseen!
Bernie said…
What do you do when three of your bestest bloggy buddies are nominated at the same time? Can we vote once for each of them?
OKinUK said…
Great thanks! An honor... thanks Selena and Kristina ... you my girls!

But really? The same nomination period as Dweej and chicken noodle gravy? Dang it.

(inner mantra for positive thinking) second place! second place! second place.
I know, Mollie! Why we gotta all be up there at the same time? Isn't there a way we can all tie? Yes! That's it! A tie!
my3littlebirds said…
Congratulations to some fabulous blogs! I moved my FTLOB button to my About page when I moved over to Word Press last week, so I guess that took me out of the running. But on the upside, I'm not up against some of the best blogs around, and some of my best bloggy friends : )
ML, we have got to get you up there for July, for sure!
OKinUK said…
I'll tie you, Dweej/Dwija!

Um, maybe not? Cuz, that's dirty? Hmm... I'm submitting this comment anyway. durka dur.
Natalie said…
How am I ever supposed to choose, people?! It's not fair!
Patty said… really tough! I mean, people I heart dearly are nominated!


Congrats to each of you!!

King Corvid said…
Goldfinch Anchor is clearly the correct choice. All other choices, while interesting in their own right, pale in comparison.

Good luck to everyone else!
Jennifer Kay said…
Chanting: Dweej, Dweej, Dweej...with fist pumping!
Meesh said…
Good luck to everyone! I enjoyed looking at your blogs today.
Nina said…
That's it... this is just to hard. I'm resorting to eeny meeny miney moe...
Anonymous said…
Can I be like Switzerland this month? My best and favorite blog buddies are in the running and I love them all!
Unknown said…
finally my blog and computer are both working! I am happy to see these lovely blogs here, great choices...good luck to you all!
OKinUK said…
@King Corvid... Oh yes. Clearly.

I knew I needed a spray tan.

I want to go with the cliche "it's just exciting to be nominated!" And it really is, especially with some of my best blogging buddies! Congrats to everyone!
OKinUK said…
@Kaitlin - No offense taken! I thought it was great!
This whole string of comments is so entertaining!

Mollie, ohmygod..."Tan Up!"

The fact that you're in the UK right now makes that EXTRA hilarious to me! Now all you need is some kind of teeth joke and a thing about mushy peas and *SHAZAM!*: the British trifecta ;)
OKinUK said…
Oh Dwija, no no no... A proper Geordie lass (and lad for that matter) has a righteous and properly mint fake tan if they want to have a tash on whilst having a night on the toon.

In all seriousness, I was totally channeling Barney a la Neil Patrick Harris via HIMYM.

BAA BA BA BOP BA! BA-BA ba ba, da dahda dah da dadda DAAAAAAAAAAH!
Colie said…
Oh noooooo! My fave bloggy peeps nominated at once!

A huge congrats to everyone - - you're all in my book!!

Good luck!!!
Christina said…
House Unseen
XLMIC said…
Best wishes to all the weiners and nominees :)

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