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Featured Blog: Aiukli

Hello bloggers!
My name is Mallori and I blog over at aiukli-because life is beautiful!

"Aiukli" (pronounced eye-yuke-lee) is a Choctaw word that simply means beautiful. I named my blog aiukli to constantly remind myself to look for the beauty in even the simplest things in life!

I am a 20-something college student, and I live in the heart of the continental United States in Oklahoma. I have lived here my entire life, but I thoroughly enjoy traveling outside of the state every chance I get!

I use my blog as a sort of day journal, so that when I am 80 years old I can look back and read the crazy stories about my life, and to help me remember what it was that was important to me when I wrote the posts. I generally try to keep things positive both in my life and blogging, but unfortunately it has not always been this way. However, I do know that without the negative posts (and part of my life), I would not be as happy or as positive to others as I am today. The one thing I can say about my stories is that they will tell you just how I feel about whatever it is I am writing. I believe in being sincere in my posting because without sincerity, no one will know the true me.

Since I am finishing up my final semester as an undergrad, I am taking on lots of adventures to make the most of what little time I have left without responsibilities. I mostly post about these adventures, the amazing support from my friends and family, my hopes and goals for the future, and occasionally I'll post some youtube videos that express (typically through songs) what I cannot put into words. You'll also find my bucket list on my blog, and I intend to inform you of when I accomplish something new!

I hope you will join me in seeking out the many adventures lie has to offer, and looking for the beauty in every little thing!


-Mallori said…
oh yay! I didn't expect to see this anytime soon, and was pleasantly surprised when this popped up in my reader! Thank you!
I love learning words in different languages and what they mean--now I can add beautiful in Choctaw to the list :)

Off to check out her blog now...
OKinUK said…
Mallori is a great writer. I have enjoyed reading her posts. I'm glad I started following her!
Yeah for Mal! She is great, everyone should go check her out now. Congrats girl on the feature :)
Jenna said…
I really like the title of your blog and I think it is a great reminder.

Thanks for sharing about yourself, I am on my way to check out your blog now :)

Ed said…
Mal has a great blog. Love it!
b. lee said…
"Aiukli" what a cool word * excited to checkout miss Mallori's spot * *
Jessica Geels said…
Congrats on the feature Mallori!!! You should def check out her blog, it's great! :-))
Katy said…
Yay! Mallori is one of my favorite people in the world! She is great- I am sure if you check out her blog you will grow to love her as much as I do!
Chrissy said…
Mallori seems so much fun! Will hop on over right away! It's always so nice to meet new bloggy friends! xxx
Anonymous said…
What a cute girl, very "girl next door", she's adorable! Looking forward to checking out her blog .. and happy to read the good and bad, yay for keeping it real!

Maegan :)
Hockey Wife said…
Congrats on the feature! It's nice to 'meet you'! Don't you just love that FTLOB does this? I have found some of the greatest blogs this way!
Unknown said…
Yay for Mallori!!! A fellow Book Lovers member! Congrats on your feature girlie!!!
-Mallori said…
Thank you everyone! I was super excited about this, and I too have found blogs I love thanks to this site! Thanks for all the kind words!

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