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Showing posts from August, 2012

Confused? Lost!

Hello FTLOB'ers//IB4M lovers....I currently made a boo-boo on IB4M and now i have no idea how to get the dashboard back onto that wordpress site. This site originally linked directly to that site but since that site is frozen due to that theme i installed, there is no point to not have a site working. I tried following the steps to fix it under FileZilla but that still isn't allowing me to get into anything. I'm not sure if I should just keep that name and start over here directing the url to this blogger site or keep the For the Love of Blogs name and start where we left off from there. What totally sucks is that the IB4M posts are all gone unless I get back in there somehow? I don't know. I spent six hours today trying to google and read/follow instructions on how to fix but nothing is working. I even called go daddy who has my plan and told them to set up a website through them versus wordpress but again, I'd lose everything and that's just a hot mess to s...